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Trial and error. There are many different ways to make a paper aeroplane - some may be better than others.

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9y ago

To boost the amount time a paper helicopter stays in the air you need to increase the size of the helicopter you design. The better the design the longer the helicopter will stay in the air.

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increase the surface area

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fly it right

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Q: How do you make a paper airplane stay in the air long?
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The longest duration for a paper airplane to stay aloft indoors is how many seconds?

A paper airplane by ken Blackburn is the longest to stay aloftin 27.9 secs. but a walkalong glider flies long too but it is not a paper airplane because you still need to cut tape and fold.

What is the rec distance for a paper airplane?

about 12 seconds, if the paper airplane can fly it would stay up longer

How do you make a paper airplane stay in the air longer than a minute?

just throw it properly and make a very big one

What kind of paper airplane stays in the air for the longest?

The kind of paper that makes a paper airplane stay in the air the longest is blank paper because blank paper has the right amount of heaviness to make it stable.In CNN Student News,blank paper flew the greatest and longest time and distance.

How does the mass of the piece of paper compare with the mass of the paper airplane?

The peice of paper compares to the paper airplane because they both have the same mass. Whether a paper is flat,folded in half or is shaped into a fancy paper boat it will always have the same amount of mass.

Does the wing of the paper airplane make it fly far?

The wing of the paper airplane can make it fly far. For a glider, make a large wingspan and light, evenly balanced weight. Also, the wider the wings are the easier it will be to gain lift and the more narrower the wings are the harder it will be to stay in the air longer.

How long did the first airplane stay in the air for?

12 seconds

Why does a paper aeroplane stay in the air for several seconds while a real airplane can fly for hours at a time?

Because the real airplane is actually flying; the paper plane is just falling very slowly.

Can an airplane stay in the sky?

I am going to assume that aeroplane=airplane when I answer this. An airplane stays in the air by generating lift on its wings. As long as an airplane can generate sufficent lift it can stay in the air. However once the lift being generated falls below what is required for the plane to stay up... uh oh.

What is the difference of kite and airplane?

A kite is a toy that is kept in flight by the wind not far from the earth's surface. An airplane is a a motorized means of long distance transportation that has motors that make it possible to stay in flight at high altitudes.

Does the size of the paper airplane effect how long it will stay in the air?

With more surface area on the wings of the paper airplane there will be more air providing lift for the plane. If the mass of the plane is increased less than the surface area of the plane is increased, then the ratio of the force of gravity to force of lift should decrease, theoretically, allowing the plane to stay in the air longer. There are other significant factors in how long the paper airplane will stay air born. The Launch speed is directly proportional to the amount of air moving over the wings which provides lift. However, the larger the plane and the lighter the material is the more likely the plane will deform at high launch speeds or from launching the plane by holding to far back on the plane during launch, which will make the plain more likely to drop from lack of lift if the plane deforms too much.

How does the shape of the wings of a paper airplane affect its flight?

Research shows that for a stunt paper airplane, smaller wings with forward-concentrated weight are optimal. For a glider, make a large wingspan and light, evenly balanced weight. Also, the wider the wings are the easier it will be to gain lift and the more narrower the wings are the harder it will be to stay in the air longer.