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Q: How can you kill aphids on hibiscus plants that are indoors?
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How can you kill the aphids on your hibiscus plants?

get some ladybugs.

How are lady bugs helpful?

Ladybugs eat aphids and other pests that can harm and kill plants.

Why aphids are harmful?

because the can kill plants by sucking the sap and vector plant viruses and diseases

Can you use Diazinon to kill aphids?

no you cant use diazinon to kill aphids let me tell you why you cant cause diazinion is smaller then aphids

What kind of relationship is aphids and roses?

BAD! Aphids will kill the roses!

How would you kill a aphids?

cut them up

Does Sevin kill aphids?

yes it does, i used it before

What is an aphicide?

An aphicide is a pesticide intended to kill aphids.

How do you kill aphids on petunias?

A teaspoon of dishsoap and fill the rest of the spray bottle with water. Best way to kill them and it also prevents them from coming back. This spray actually works on all plants and is safe for humans and your pets.

What can ladybirds do?

Well ladybirds can climb, drink water, eat food such as grapes, nuts, flies and many more another thing is that during the day the take a nap they may also climb up walls and then find a comfy spot to poop. A way of know there in love is how they sleep one sleeps one top of the other hope you like my answer!The ladybug eat aphids, aphids are pests that if there are to many they will kill what ever plant there eating. Ladybugs are helpful creature to the garden.they fly around and do nothing except for protect their youngEats Aphids. Aphids live on different flowering plants, like roses, and they kill the plants, so Lady bugs are doing the flowering plants a favor.

What ladybirds do?

Well ladybirds can climb, drink water, eat food such as grapes, nuts, flies and many more another thing is that during the day the take a nap they may also climb up walls and then find a comfy spot to poop. A way of know there in love is how they sleep one sleeps one top of the other hope you like my answer!The ladybug eat aphids, aphids are pests that if there are to many they will kill what ever plant there eating. Ladybugs are helpful creature to the garden.they fly around and do nothing except for protect their youngEats Aphids. Aphids live on different flowering plants, like roses, and they kill the plants, so Lady bugs are doing the flowering plants a favor.

What jobs do WASP do?

They kill aphids and other garden pests.