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In the age of instant shopping, it can be frustrating to have to wait for results. But when it comes to your body, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous.

But here are some small tips for you.

Start your day with water and keep drinking it the entire day.

Focus on protein.

Eat your greens.

Listen to your body and end your night with meditation.

Click here to get more information about losing weight.

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Maximo Witting

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11y ago

Try exercise and diet.

to lose a certain amount of weight in a week is pretty simple all you have to do is stick to a diet, no candies, no sweet juices, no fatty foods. also you have to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.

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13y ago
  • If you mix ginger, honey, lemon juice, and water, and drink this when hungry (rather than have food) you might lose a few pounds in the first few days.
  • The bast way to lose weight fast is not to eat. It sounds stupid and unhealthy but drink a lot of water walk a lot and workout and don't eat. Just be careful what you eat when you start again or all the weight will come back.
  • Lots of cardio exercise, or cardio sports, and a change of eating habits. You may wish to check with your physician or medical adviser before significantly changing your exercise or eating habits.
  • To lose a certain amount of weight in a week is simple. All you have to do is stick to a diet, no candies, no sweet juices, no fatty foods. Also, you have to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Some people may lose five pounds in one week. Other people may lose far less. It depends how much you have to lose and how much effort you put in.
  • Cardio exercise 2 hours per day for 5 days. If you have WiiFit, you can do every exercise in it and perhaps lose 5 pounds. And also try walking off you belly fat.
  • Exercise 2 hours a day for 5 days, and you may have lost 5 pounds. If you have WiiFit, you can do every exercise in it and you may lose 5 pounds.
  • If you have a lot of weight to lose, by changing your eating habits and by engaging in lots of cardio exercise or cardio activity it is possible to lose 5 pounds in one week. If you are only a few pounds overweight, however, 5 pounds in one week is unrealistic and it is better to aim for 5 pounds in two weeks. For more information about how to lose 5 pounds, and the free lists and cardio plans to get you started or to take you further, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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11y ago

If you wanted to loose five pounds in five days, you would have to loose a pound per day. To loose a pound you'd have to burn 3,500 calories. That would not be healthy at all!

The best way to lose weight is to cut down your portion sizes, eat healthy food, and increase your exercise.

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16y ago

The pounds that are lost to reach that is mostly water weight if I'm reading your question correctly.

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9y ago

The best way to lose 5 pounds in one week is to cut out carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, rice, cake and chips. Exercise for an hour a day and eat three healthy meals.

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12y ago

Do ALOT of cardi

Drink a TON of water

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13y ago

You have to eat more heathly foods like fruit vegables chicken etc. last but not least just watch what you eat have your little heathly meals planed hope this helps;)

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12y ago

Try your best! Eat right!

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13y ago

the boeflex will help you

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Q: How can you lose 5 pounds in 1 week?
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What is average weight a person can lose for a week?

Healthily, a person lose lose 2 or 3 pounds a week. Under the watch of a nutritionist or trainer, they can healthiy lose 5 to 8 pounds a week.

What do you need to do to lose 5 pounds a week?

It isn't healthy to lose 5 pounds a week. If you start a diet and do it right you may lose 5 pounds for a few weeks but then you should lose about 1-2 pounds a week. You have to start excercising regularly and if you follow a diabetic diet your guarenteed to lose weight. That diet is basically no sugar, very low fat, and now complex carbs like whiet bread, white flour etc. Eat whole wheat everything.

What is the best diet to lose 5 pounds in a week?

5 pounds is not a sensible amount to try to lose in a week, so I'm not going to suggest anything for that. 1-3 pounds is doable, by dropping everything that's fatty, sugary and alcoholic, if combined with an otherwise sensible menu and some exercise.

If 5 pounds are lost a week how many weeks till you lose 80 pounds?


How do you lose 1-5 pounds quick?

by exercising a lot and eating a healthy balanced diet on time for a week or two

Is it healthy to lose 5 pounds a week?

If you are fat like me then yes. If you are just a few pounds overweight then 5lbs is a lot in a week.

If you weigh 120 pounds how long would it take you to lose 5 pounds by starving yourself?

cut out all carbohydtates except first thing in the morning and lose 5lbs close to 1 week

How much can you lose in a week on lipozene?

1/2- 2 pounds is the healthy amount of weight to lose in a week.Answersome diets claim you can lose 20 pounds, but that's unhealthy and dangerous. Depending on your age and initial weight, 2-5 is about right. AnswerI lost 10 lbs in one week by only eating dinner-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's actually only scientifically possible to lose/gain 2lbs of fat in one week, when you say people claiming to lose 1 stone in 1 week, they're losing muscle and fluid, not fat!

If you are 5' 5 and weigh 130 pounds how do you lose 10 pounds?

In order to lose weight you should create a calorie deficit. In order to lose 1 pound a week you should cut 500 calories a day from your diet or burn this amount of extra calories a day.

How do you lose six pounds a week?

lots of water only take in 1500 calories a day exercise at least 1 hour a day 5 days a week.

How much weight could you lose maximum in a week?

1 - 2 pounds a week to lose weight is highly recommended. You can lose 8 - 10 pounds a month in a healthy way. Make sure you don't over exercise like you want to lose weight 20 pounds a month because its not a healthy way of losing weight.

How many calories should you cut daily to lose 5 pounds a week?

17,000 calories to lose 5 lbs in one week. Very hard to do. You do 1/2 calorie cutting and 1/2 calorie burning (i.e. exercise) but either way, good luck.