

How can you make a banana milkshake?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How can you make a banana milkshake?
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How do you make the best milkshake ever?

add milk and a banana and voila

What can you mix with banana's?

Add Some Sugar To It! It'll Taste Delicious! Promisee.. Orr Make Banana Milkshake! :P

What is the three most universal milkshake flavors?

Chocolate strawberry banana vanilla there are four which all make up the most universal milkshake flavours. good day =)

What is the worst frijj milkshake flavor?

Banana, obviously...

What is the white stuff that comes out your willy?

It is banana milkshake

How do you make milkshake?

Well you put two scoops of ice cream in a jug and then add milk for how much milkshake you want and then add strawberries for a strawberry milkshake or banana for a banana milkshake (for those two you get one of your five a day) or a chocolate one where you had 3 heaped teaspoons of hot chocolate powder (cadburys, Aero green and blacks) mix it all up and WALA you have your milkshake!

How do you make a banana and strawberry milkshake that kids will like?

3 scoops of ice cream in blender, add cup of milk, fresh strawberries, and a banana. Blend well, serve.

What would a banana milkshake be considered in the food pyramid?

fat fruit

How much yogurt would you put in a banana milkshake?

I wouldn't put in any, though I suppose you've already ruined the milkshake by putting banana in it, so the yoghurt can't really hurt it much.

What spice that grows in the rainforest could be used in a milkshake?

The vanilla is a spice that is used in a milkshake such as banana milkshake there is a vanilla milkshake! Amber C Student from West Pennant Hills Public School answering this. 4/5W

What is a banana milkshake taste like?

Strawberries! and monkey nuts out of the enchanted hammack!!

What doesn't cause an earthquake?

Drinking a chocolate banana milkshake does not cause an earthquake.