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Here are three examples...

I felt compelled to answer the legal complaint after the plaintiff demanded a $500,000 judgment against me.

The judge compelled me to answer the question.

No one is compelled to speak; rather, they choose to do so in an effort to advance their career.

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Q: How can you make a sentence with the word compelled?
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How do you make a sentence using the word prince and adge?

The prince felt compelled to tell the adage about what was going on behind closed doors

Convert into passive voice we compelled the enemy to surrender?

We compelled the enemy to surrender -- is an active sentence -- the subject is we, the verb is compelled, the object is the enemy.In a passive sentence the object of the active sentence goes into the subject position -- The enemy...........The verb phrase is -- be + past participle -- was compelled = The enemy was compelled........The phrase 'to surrender' is part of the verb -- The enemy was compelled to surrender.....The subject of the active sentence goes into the object position and is preceded with by --The enemy was compelled to surrender by us.The noun phrase -- by us can -- be left off if you want.

What part of speech is the word compelled?

The word compelled is a regular verb. It is the past tense of the verb compel.

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