

How can you make stick eyeliner look like mascara?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Why would you want to make stick eyeliner look like mascara if you would already have mascara and if you don't just go to the store and buy yourself some, its not like its going to cost you much, so just go buy some...

Because I am not allowed to go and buy some.

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Q: How can you make stick eyeliner look like mascara?
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How do you make eyeliner look like mascara?

well, first you curl them and then when you are going to finally paint them start touching your skin with the tip of the mascera. do that to all of your eyelashes top and bottom

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never go to much with makeup that will just make u look like a clown. wear: lip gloss light color blush light color eyeshadow and chap stick don't wear mascara,eyeliner,and black eye shadow that will make u look goth

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It depends how much mascara you apply. But yes, it can make your eyes look bigger. Another way to make your eyes look larger is to use an eyeliner along the bottom of your eyes.

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I am confused by what you are asking? They both (when done right) can make your eyes pop and look really beautiful. They both come in different colors, and usually look best in normal colors like black and brown.

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Girls generally put on makeup to enhance their features. Eyeliner helps make the eyes look more open and awake. Mothers usually introduce make-up to their daughter's by starting off with mascara then guide them on how to put on eyeliner.

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You should probably wear eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss/stick, and foundation. This is all depending on what you look like. I would suggest something slightly bolder then your normal everyday makeup but don't stray to far from it, then you could either mess up, or it wouldn't look good on you. Hope this helped!

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1st you dont wanna be emo try listening to a emo song and if u feel good listening to it then you are emo make up you need eyeliner-alot make it look like you were punched in the eye lip stick-black or red nail varnish-black or blue mascara-a black one a verry pale base colour

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What color eyeliner for hazel eyes brown hair fair skin?

Eyeliner: Use a dark brown eyeliner to emphasize your gorgeous eyes (I too have hazel eyes) Mascara: Black mascara looks best with hazel eyes. DO NOT USE BLUE!!! Eye Shadow: Pink eye shadow for during the day for a natural, subtle yet attractive look. Purple is beautiful if you want to go bold and stunning. Gold is probably the best for hazel eyes. It will make your eyes pop and you will look radiant and goddess-like. It will also bring out the little gold sparks in your hazel eyes

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Steampunk is all about post-apocalyptic style. I would go with gold or bronze eyeshadow with some eyeliner and mascara for the eye make-up, and wear bronzer rather than blush!

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Cat Eye is not a product, but a technique of applying makeup that gives the appearance of having eyes shaped like a cat's. This look is achieved by using a combination of eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara to make the eyes look wider and larger.

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Dye hair black. Have it lightly waved. nude lipstick with lipgloss, mascara, and thick top eyeliner and some eyeliner on bottom (mainly on waterline). Be tan. Dress with swag. Skinny jeans ' cute tops ' snapbacks ' hoop earrings/diamonds ' good shoes. Be in shape. Always smile. Be real.