

How can you miscarriage and have no pain?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How can you miscarriage and have no pain?
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What are the symptoms of miscarriage at 6 weeks?

PAIN,throwing up.

Do your hips hurt a lot if you are having a miscarriage?

A miscarriage may make your back ache and it appears that the pain is coming from your hips, but otherwise no.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage without pain?

You can be having a miscarriage and not have the pain but eventually your cervix may dialate and you will feel cramping and bleeding. Usually your intuition will tell you if something is not right. If you are unsure go seek medical attention.

What are the symptoms of an inevitable miscarriage?

If the cervix is open, miscarriage is inevitable and nothing can preserve the pregnancy. Symptoms of an inevitable miscarriage may include dull relentless or sharp intermittent pain in the lower abdomen or back.

How do you tell the difference between a miscarriage and a period... Can a miscarriage have light bleeding instead of heavy?

Well, the difference is in the amount of pain you experience. Miscarriage hurts more according to all the experts in this field. Hope this helps

I had a miscarriage sept 26 now I am cramping with some pain and bleeding could this be a period already?

yes..i got a period just 2 weeks after a miscarriage

What is incomplete miscarriage?

A situation in which only some of the products in the uterus have been expelled is called an incomplete miscarriage. Pain and bleeding may continue and become severe.

If you had a miscarriage at 8 weeks would you be in pain?

Emotional pain, cramping, bleeding if D&C is required due to spontaneous abortion.

How do you fake a miscarriage?

Pretend to be in pain and heavy bleeding. You can't fool a doctor though.

Did i miscarriage?

Do you have some of the miscarriage symptoms such as bleeding, cramping, with pelvic or back-pain are accompanied during that period. Another miscarriage symptoms is the sudden stop of all pregnancies symptoms which include breast tenderness, the feeling of unwell.