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Q: How can you move ore to the yellow blocks?
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How can you move the ore to the yellow docks?

by breaking your ds

How can your move the ore to the yellow docks?

Use the gravity of the black holes

What is yellow copper rock?

Chalcopyrite is a yellow copper ore.

What is a yellow cake?

A yellow cake is a figurative term for uranium ore.

What is another name for chalcopyrite?

Yellow Copper Ore, Peacock Ore (encountered with acid- tarnish)

How do you open door 13 on 100 exits?

Make the panel show "OPEN" like the writing above the blocks. Move 3 blocks to the right. Move 3 blocks up. Move 1 block left. Move 3 blocks down. Move 1 block left. Move 3 blocks up. Move 1 block left. Move 2 blocks down. See related link for screenshots.

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A Lego ore is a piece that is used to steer and move the boat.

How do you open exit 13 in 100 exits?

R Punch

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Where do you find iron ore in minecraft?

Iron ore blocks can be typically found between the layers of 1-64 (64 being the sea level). If you are playing the PC edition of Minecraft, and need to check the level you're on, you can press the F3 key on your keyboard, and the "y" level number displayed on the left of the screen is your current level. Remember that iron ore blocks have a tan-ore-in-stone appearance.

What kind of rock has blue stuff on it called in minecraft?

It could be either Diamond Ore (bright blue spots) or Lapis Lazuli Ore (darker blue blocks).

How do you solve the oslik puzzle?

You have to move the yellow square to the bottom of the screen by maneuvering the other blocks around it. Sliding the small blue blocks together will let you move the larger red blocks out of the way. *There is an entire collection of these puzzles (originally wood) called Klotski, which were distributed with 32-bit Windows Entertainment Packs. Neither Oslik nor Klotski have been adapted for 64-bit systems.