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Go to family services. You shouldn't be paying child support for a child over 18. They can help you with the legal issues.

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Q: How can you pay child support to grown children over the age of 21 and you have small children in the home and they take 50 percent of your wages and keep you in jail i need help if you can help me i?
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Related questions

Are your grown children entitled to the back child support payments that are received by the parent who has custody?

It is dependant on which state that you live in as to if the children are entitled to back child support after they are grown. You will need to consult with your local state child support office so they can better assist you with this question.

Can you collect back child support if your children are now adults?

Yes, if a parent owes back child support, they will have to pay it until it is zeroed out even when the children are grown. The age of the child does not affect back child support at all.

Are your grown children intitled to your my back child support payments?

Child support that is awarded and not paid can be claimed by and adult child. A child support order usually expires when the child turns 18, but anything that is arrears can still be claimed by the child.

In Arkansas can an ex go after you for child support when the kids are grown?

Yes, but only for the unpaid balance, if any, of support that accrued while the children were minors. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

Can you file bankruptcy on back child support kids grown and gone?

Child support cannot, and will not be discharged in BK Its not like your ignoring your responsibilities (guess if that is the child support or the children themselves) makes them go away. I feel sorry for your kids though.

Can child support be ordered if the child is age eighteen for back child support?

if the child is special needs and has to live with a parent yes otherwise no

Who gets child support when the child is grown?

The obligor (generally, the State and/or the custodial parent).

Do you have to pay back child support in cal if the child is grown?

When the child reaches majority/is emancipated, the obligor still owes any support that was ordered and not paid.

Do child support amounts change when you now have 2 kids at home and 2 are now grown?

If the non custodial parent owes back support for the grown children then it may not change so that the back support can be paid. If there is no back support owed then yes the cs amount will be changed based on the way cs if calculated in your state

Your children are grown you just now receive child support how is this?

If the other parent never gave you the money, they still legally owed it to you. That means that even though your child is grown, the money must still be payed to you. The other parent is giving you the money they said they would when you went to court.

3.According to the poem, What kind of support does grown up children need from their middle aged parents?


Can a Jehovah witness financially support a grown disfellowshipped child?

Yes, disfellowshiping does not effect the parental obligation to support and care for family members. If a child is, for whatever reason, financially dependent on his or her parents (for example due to a physical or emotional handicap) or is unable to support himself, his standing in the congregation would not necessarily mean he would forgoe financial aid from his parents. Since there is no religious mandate on this matter, the decision to support grown children or not would therefore be a personal decision.