

How can you prevent tourett syndrome?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How can you prevent tourett syndrome?
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Medicines can help prevent complications. The goals of treatment are to prevent blood clots.

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Since scientists don't know the cause of Shy-Drager syndrome, there is no way to prevent the condition.

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You can't really prevent it. it's just a genetic mutation. It's completely unpreventable and incurable

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Premenstrual syndrome symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome, may prevent heart attacks and strokes, cancer, endometriosis.

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Mallory-Weiss syndrome is associated with alcoholism. Limiting alcohol intake may help prevent the disorder.

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Prevention of Pickwickian syndrome can be achieved by maintaining a healthy body weight and getting the proper amount of exercise.

Can Asperger's Syndrome be prevented?

No, their is no way to prevent aspergers. It's genetic. But it is not such a bad thing to have.

Does Marfan syndrome have a treatment?

While there is no cure for Marfan Syndrome (because it is a genetic disorder), there are ranges of treatment options can decrease (and even sometimes prevent) complications.

How may postpolio syndrome be prevented?

There is no way to prevent PPS. However, paying attention to what types of exertion worsen symptoms may slow the progression of the syndrome.

Is there a way to avoid transferring Morquio's syndrome from parent to child?

There is no way to be absolutely positive that your child will not have Morquio's syndrome if both parents have the gene, but there are genetic screenings to help prevent having a child with Morquio's syndrome.