

How can you protect your ear from being damaged?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Avoid loud noise, boxing and Wrestling.

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Q: How can you protect your ear from being damaged?
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How does foam in ear defenders protect the ear from being damaged by loud noises?

It's a 'high density' foam, which moulds itself to the ear canal. The density of the foam, coupled with the snug fit in the ear, limits the volume of sound reaching the eardrum.

How can you protect your ears from being damaged by loud sounds?

you can put head phones in or ear muffs or you could just not the loud sound in the first place

Why do people were ear defenders?

To protect their ears and hearing from getting damaged by loud noises.

If you have no hair in your ear canel will you lose your hearing?

Having no hair in your ear canal does not directly impact hearing. Hair in the ear canal helps trap dust and particles, but the actual hearing process occurs in the inner ear where sound waves are converted into electrical signals. Factors like damage to the ear drum or inner ear structures can affect hearing, but hair presence in the ear canal itself does not.

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A soft case will protect a camera from being damaged if it were to fall. It can also protect sensitive lenses from scratches.

How does the earmuff protect your ear?

Earmuffs used for cold temperatures protect your ears, by keeping them warm. Because ears are sticking out from the rest of your body, they are susceptible to being damaged from frost-bite, and in severe cases, could even fall off. Earmuffs used for sound protect your ears from loud noises, that could burst your eardrum and/or make you deaf.

Which part of the ear would cause deafness if it were damaged?

The ear drum.

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What is sheating conductor?

A sheathing conductor is a conductor surrounded by an insulating material that provides protection from external factors such as moisture, heat, or mechanical damage. It is commonly used in electrical wiring to ensure safety and prevent electrical hazards. The sheath also helps to contain the conductor's electromagnetic fields.

How do ear defenders protect your ears?

Ear defenders protect your ears by absorbing the sound and fizzling it out

What part of the ear will be damaged if you always poke pointed objects into your ear?

You can damage the tympanic membrane (ear drum).

Which parts of the ear can be damaged by loud sound?

Loud sound can potentially damage the delicate hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear, leading to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Prolonged exposure to loud noise can also cause damage to the ear drum or middle ear structures, affecting overall hearing function. It is important to protect your ears from excessive noise to prevent such damage.