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Q: How can you remember the order of substances from fractional distillation of oil?
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Related questions

Can liquids with similar boiling points be separated using fractional distillation?

No, due to the fact that fractional distillation uses the difference in boiling points of liquids to seperate them, therefore in order to perform fractional distillation there should be a difference of at least 1degree centigrade

Why do chemicals separate out in a particular order?

In fractional distillation, the substances in a mixture are heated to their boiling points. Different substances have different boiling points, so will be separated at different times. The answer to your question is simply because they have different boiling points.

What is a distillation disadvantage of fractional distillation?

A disadvantage of fractional distillation is that it requires additional specialized equipment, such as fractionating columns. This can make the process more complex and expensive compared to simple distillation. Additionally, fractional distillation may not be suitable for separating substances with very similar boiling points.

How are hydrocarbon molecules separated?

Hydrocarbon molecules can be separated through processes such as distillation, which takes advantage of differences in boiling points, or through techniques like chromatography, which separates compounds based on their affinity for a stationary phase. Additionally, techniques like fractional distillation or fractional crystallization are used to separate hydrocarbons based on differences in their physical properties.

How to separate petrolium into fractions?

fractional distillation. you use the boiling point to separate petroleum into its different compounds. the order is asphalt, lubricating oil, jet fuel and diesel fuel, kerosene, and gasoline.

What would be left in the flask when separating alcohol from water using fractional distillation?

In order to separate a mixture of alcohol (ethanol) and water, use a process known as fractional distillation. This technique relies on the principle that the compounds in the mixture have different boiling points. Since ethanol boils at a lower temperature (78.5 degrees C) than water, the alcohol vaporizes while the water remains a liquid. At some point, it will become an azeotropic mixture where the vapor has the same composition as the liquid. A good distillation column will produce an azeotropic mixture of 95 percent alcohol and 5 percent water. This ratio represents the most pure form of ethanol possible with distillation and is widely accepted as an industry standard.

Why kmno4 is added in simple distillation?

you mean water distillation? in order to remove minerals by oxidizing them and contaminants from organic materials including surfactants.

How do you obtain gas?

The company that makes it gets it the same way they get liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen - fractional distillation of air. A customer who wants some has to special-order it from a welding supply; they can get it for you but unless you live in New York City where there are several neon-sign companies, it's not commonly used.

Why is that slow distillation better than fast distillation?

In order to prevent entrainment or liquid carryover, distillation must be slow. If it is heated vigorously, it will result in loss of products and carry over of other components as liquid.

What is distillation in a unit operation?

distillation is the process of repeated evaporation and condensation of the mixture of two or more miscible solutions in order to separate them by evaluating the boiling point

Why distillation is not used often for cleaning water?

Because when water is distilled it losses all the essentials salts and minerals.

Why is it necessary for us to know the names and functions of laboratory apparatus?

Knowing the names and functions of laboratory apparatus is important for safe and accurate experimentation. It helps researchers to utilize the equipment properly, avoid accidents, and ensure reliable results. It also facilitates effective communication among scientists and enables collaboration in the scientific community.