

Best Answer

Place Dawn liquid detergent directly on affected area. Wet a scrub brush and brush vertical, horizontal, diagonal up and diagonal down. Turn material over, repeat, then wash in machine use hot water setting. I have tried Zout, orange citrus degreaser, Shout, etc. and this is the only one that works! Love that Dawn.

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Q: How can you remove hemorrhoid ointment from your pants?
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Treatment for all hemorrhoids depends on the severity of the hemorrhoid. For a less severe hemorrhoid, the doctor may just prescribe a cream to soothe and help shrink the affected area. For a more severe hemorrhoid, the doctor may do a surgery to remove the hemorrhoid and cauterize the area.

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Tight pants will not cause hemorrhoids, However if you have them, wearing tight clothing can only make them worse since the clothing does not allow for any air circulation.

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A rectal hernia is not the same as a hemorrhoid. A hemorroid is a varicose vein in the anus.

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When a hemorrhoid bursts, a person will often find blood in the stool or on the toilet paper. Sometimes a burst hemorrhoid can cause infection or even bleeding that requires surgery.

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Some of the highest rated hemorrhoid creams are Preparation H, and Budpak Hemorrhoid cream. If one is suffering from hemorrhoids they can find step-by-step procedures in which they can try to get rid of their hemorrhoids.

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i wanna know what is hemorrhoid means? i want full information i wanna know what is hemorrhoid means? i want full information i wanna know what is hemorrhoid means? i want full information

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are you sure:) :)

Is it legal to remove pants in golf?

Not if its crazy golf lol

Why does blood come out of peoples butt?

It can be a result of hemorrhoid, or an infection within the rectum. Most likely the result of a hemorrhoid, because this happened to me, and I went to the doctor and he said 90% of the time its just hemorrhoid. This will happen if you struggle to get this "you know what" out.