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My favorite cleaner to use in the bathroom is Mean Green. Spray it on liberally, allow it to soak for a few moments, and give it a little elbow grease as your wiping it down. Depending on how stubborn the stains are you may want to use a plastic scrubby like scotch pads. If that doesn't seem to be working, mix up 1/2 to 1 cup baking soda and just enough ammonia to make a very thin paste. Spread this mixture on the stains and once again give it several moments to work. Go back and use your scrubby pad. Hope this helps!

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Use Goo-Gone or Goof Off.

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Q: What to use to clean a discolored fiberglass bathtub?
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How do you get Kilz primer off bathtub?

Best answer is to clean it off immediately while it is still wet. Once it has dried, it depends on the material the bathtub is composed of. If it's porcelain, use some lacquer thinner to melt the primer, then clean off the residue and polish. If it is fiberglass or plastic, then any solvent strong enough to remove the cured primer will also damage the surface of the bathtub. Use a razor blade to scrape off the primer, being careful to not damage the surface.

Do you know where i can learn more about fiberglass cutting? has advice on how to cut out a fiber glass bathtub by yourself. Be sure to follow their safety tips like having gloves. Diamond blades, power saws, appropriate clothing and safety gear are essential when you want to cut fiberglass. Use a of a piece of scrap plywood as the base for cutting and use fiberglass power trimmers when cutting fiberglass panels. You can know much information and details about fiberglass cutting at the link:;

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Your husband says the soap he uses in the bathtub can be used to clean the Bathtub too Is he right?

Yes, any soap can clean your tub however if you want the tub to be disinfected you would want to use a more traditional bathroom cleanser.

How do you clean a plastic bathtub?

To clean a plastic bathtub use a liquid or powder cleaner that says it can be used on plastic. A mixture of 2 parts vinegar and 1 part warm water can also be used. Spray the cleaner on the bathtub and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then take a stiff sponge and scrub the bathtub. Rinse with water and towel or air dry.

How do you clean a fiberglass boat?

take some vinegar and mix it in a bucket of water and use a rag to clean the outside... or you could put it in a spray bottle

How do you clean soap scum on a maroon-colored fiberglass bathtub?

The best stuff I have found to clean my fiberglass tub is called Bi-O-Kleen. It is a cleaner and degreaser. It says to dilute it, but I just pour it in the shower while the water is running, and use a non-abrassive sponge and it just makes the tub/shower shine. I also used it in my RV shower. It smells good and cleans easy. I use it everytime I clean the tub and especially after giving my three dogs tub baths, which leaves quite a ring around the tub! It's also safe for use with gray water and septic tanks. You can even find it at Wal-Mart or

How do I get rid of the "bathtub" rings in my fiberglass swimming pool?

There are special cleansers for that that are sold at all pool supply stores. And you can use a small hand held scrub brush with any household cleaners. scrub them

Which way can someone get to a clean grout?

Clean grout can be realized in one's bathtub area, for example, by using the appropriate cleaning agent. A natural and non-toxic way to clean grout is to use water mixed with baking soda.

What unit of capacity would you use to measure a bathtub?

you would use gallons to measure the capacity of a bathtub

How do you use muriatic acid to clean fiberglass?

Extremely carefully. Muriatic (hydrochloric) acid is not something you should be messing around with if you don't know how to handle it safely.

Performing Automotive Fiberglass Repair?

It is relatively easy to perform fiberglass repair on vehicles that are made primarily from fiberglass. If you have experienced a rip or a tear in your car’s fiberglass body, you can find everything you need to fix it yourself in your local automotive repair store. Clean and Prepare the Area It is important to thoroughly clean the area that you need to repair. The replacement fiberglass will not stay in place if there is any grease or other foreign object around the hole or tear. Use a strong cleaner and grease cutter to clean the area until there is no chance that there is any dirt left at all. Once the area is fully cleaned, use some abrasive automotive sandpaper to smooth the edges of the hole so that they are even. After you finish sanding, clean the area once more to remove any fiberglass particles that were sanded away. Use Fiberglass Cloth and Putty The best way to patch a fiberglass hole is to use a sheet of fiberglass cloth. You can find fiberglass cloth near the paint supplies at an auto parts store. Cut the cloth so that it covers the hole and about one inch all the way around the hole. Use fiberglass putty to strengthen the fiberglass cloth and make it smoother. When you apply the putty, taper it down to the same level as the rest of the car body so that it blends in nicely. You may need to have a repair that is much bigger than the actual hole so that you can get it to blend in well with the rest of the finish. Sand and Paint Allow the putty to dry for an hour or so. When it is completely dry, use sandpaper to smooth it out and bring it down as close as possible to the original car body. If you are careful and use a very light sandpaper, you should be able to make the repair blend seamlessly in with the rest of the car. Clean the sanded area thoroughly and then apply a layer of paint to match the car’s original paint color. You may need to apply a clear sealant to give the repaired area the same shine as the rest of the car.