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Without knowing what the error message is, it is impossible to help diagnose or fix the problem. Most Windows programs should load in Wine without displaying any error messages. Note that "fixme" messages when launching a program from the console are normal and common. They simply mean that a function has not been finished in Wine and has been mapped to another function. This usually does not cause any problems in running a program.

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Q: How can you run a Windows program in Wine without an error?
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How do you run a windows program in wine without the GUI?

Wine can be executed from a terminal with the command wine application.exe, substituting application.exe with the name of the program you want to run. You'll have to either supply a pathname or change your working directory to where the program is located.

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Linux Wine is an open source software program. The Linux Wine software program allows Linux users to run Windows programs on their own devices such as computers.

How do you install Windows programs in Linux?

To install a Windows program, you will need to have Wine installed. You can install this through Synaptic, or through the command line with the commandsudo apt-get install wineAfter Wine is installed, you can run the installer by either right-click the program and selecting "Open with", and choosing Wine, or from the command line with the commandwine setup.exeThe setup program should launch and run; just follow the instructions as you would in Windows. To run the actual program, either find the program in your applications menu (probably under either "Wine" or "Lost and Found"), or navigate to the program's installation directory inside your home directory (ex. /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/WinRar ) and launch it with the commandwine program.exethere is a program you can download on Linux called "wine" that program allows you to choose programs on windows which can be compatible with Linuxhere is the link

How do you run windows program on ubuntu?

Download a program called Wine. It will allow you to run almost all .exes you download from the internet.

Does CA dbfast Windows run under Linux wine?

Yes, CA-dBFast works under Linux Wine program, Although, it would be better under a Virtual Machine running Windows.

How do you uninstall Microsoft Office 2003 in Linux with Wine?

You can either run the uninstall program, or you can just delete the folder that it is installed in. Windows programs are placed in /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files

How do you fix wine error on play on Mac?

Without the specific error, the fix cannot be determined. Look up the error on Google, which should locate some directions for resolution.

How do you install Windows drivers and applications on Trisquel Linux?

With the exception of wireless card drivers (using the ndiswrapper module), Windows device drivers cannot be used in Linux. Windows applications can be run using Wine, with compatibility and stability depending on the program. Wine can be installed from the command line on Trisquel using the command "sudo apt-get install wine."

How do you install windows applications on an apple mac OS X version 10.6.3 laptop?

Search on the internet for a program called wine hq it runs windows programs on mac and linux

Dual booting ubuntu 10 04 and windows 7 In wine 1 1 42 when browsing to program files only common files and internet explorer folders show No others Any ideas as to where they are or how to find them?

What you are seeing in wine is not the windows files from your windows 7 installation, but windows files that the wine "emulation" package. Your windows 7 files are somewhere else. I'm a Fedora user, so not sure about Ubuntu, but try browsing to /media and see if you can see your windows 7 drive there.

How can you run Windows programs on Mandriva?

Ideally it is better to find similar programs that are native to linux. However, if you truly must use a windows program your best bet would be wine.

How do you download slender for ubuntu?

You can do this if you have the program Play On Linux installed. You also need Wine, the freeware program that allows you to run Windows apps on Linux based machines. If you have both of those things, then all you need to do is to download Slender for Windows from the creator and you're good to go.