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If you are saying something negative in a nice way, body language sets the physical tone of the things being said. A relaxed and calm demeanor with a few soft smiles here and there is a good starting point to set the atmosphere of the "negative" conversation or things being said. Eye contact is good too. Speaking is where you want to get it right. Self expression is totally key, so honesty plays a big roll in terms of the overall positivity of the conversation..if your not being totally truthful your already negative and unreal...turn the negative comment around on a person by explaining the way you feel rather than the way you feel about them..being honest and truthful still applies, but by going on about the way you feel will put the vibe at ease and it will make the person you are talking to feel less attacked. Lastly be optimistic and sensitive to how you are perceived.. you will be positive the whole way through if you don't argue back.. the point is to say what you need to say without being negative..if you sense that the what has been said is taking a turn for worse then you shouldn't waste any time getting upset about the person being upset because of what you said, apologize for offending and give them time to cool off... cooler heads prevail because once you have lost your temper you've lost the fight.

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1mo ago

One way to express negativity in a positive manner is to provide constructive criticism in a kind and respectful manner. Focus on specific behaviors or actions rather than criticizing the person as a whole. Offer suggestions for improvement and show empathy and understanding towards the person you are addressing.

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How do you stop remembering the bad things of the past?

One way to stop remembering the bad things of the past is to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can also help in processing and letting go of negative memories. Additionally, reframing the past experiences from a different perspective can help shift your mindset towards more positive thoughts.

What are the Differences between positive and negative reinforcement and how they link to motivation?

Positive reinforcement involves giving a reward to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring, while negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring. Both types of reinforcement can increase motivation by associating the behavior with a positive outcome or the removal of a negative outcome, thereby encouraging the individual to repeat the behavior.

What is unconsciously exhibits nice behaviour to conceal hostile feelings?

This is known as passive-aggressive behavior, where someone expresses hostility in an indirect or subtle way while appearing friendly on the surface. It involves behaviors like sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or purposely ignoring someone to convey negative feelings without openly expressing them.

How do you be nice to rude people?

Just say a simple hi and compliment them and just say this In a nice way if they gave you a rude tone or rude behavior. Please Stop You Are Hurting My feelings and they will understand. Talk to them get to know them well and u will be friends with them good luck

What are the Differences between postive and negative reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement involves adding a reward or incentive to increase the likelihood of a desired behavior recurring, while negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus to achieve the same effect. Positive reinforcement focuses on providing something desirable, whereas negative reinforcement focuses on eliminating something undesirable.

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