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When you get 100 credits and when you get a medal.

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click on freinds at the top (picture of your character)

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Q: How do you know when you've finished an island on poptropica?
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How do you gbeat early poptropica and how do you know when you have beaten it?

You know your done when you have collected all three items and given them to the civilians of the Old part of town. You go on the ship at the dock and you will get your island medallion. Thats when you know your finished with the island and you have beaten it.

Is there any secrets in time tangled Island when the future is fixed?

There might be a few secerets there but as far as I know, I have not finished fixing the future yet so I do not know weather of not there are secerets but if there are secerets then I would be glad to find it because I have finished the early poptropica's and shark tooth's island's missions.

How do you know you beat an island on Poptropica?

If you beat an island on Poptropica you should know you beat it because, If you beat it you should get a medal and a few coins! Hope that helps!

How do you get a island that is gown on poptropica?

i really dont know???????

How do you finish confident island in poptropica?

I ndon't know

Where is agent 3 at in poptropica spy island?

at a place in spy island that i do not know of.

What do you do when you found out who stoll the painting on Confederet Island on Poptropica?

I am not sure, but the question "How do you beat Counterfit Island on Poptropica?" will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the island. Sorry!

What did the poptropica island map look like with 1 island?

i don't think i know...

What farmer helps you with the Chupacabra on Poptropica?

i dont know and which island

What is the coffee for kirk?

on poptropica on backlot island....i don't know!

What is the 21st island in Poptropica?

I don't know but , prouably john bull island(name of a train in poptropica). a change: the 21 island is actaully alien reavenge. john bull is the 22 island

How do you solve shrink ray island on poptropica?

YOU DONT (actually i dont know how to finish the island)