

How can you stop saying idk?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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11y ago

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When anyone asks you a question, take a breath and think of what you DO know. Think about your likes, dislikes, opinions about things you experience. When you read a story, a book, or see a movie, think of what you thought about it--what was good? what didn't work well? Think about what you have learned in life, from friends, and from school and teachers. Consider what your parents have taught you, both good and bad (positive and negative). Then, when asked a question, take the risk to state what you know or your opinion on a topic.

Did you like our new English teacher?

She seems strict, but she's nice and I think I'll learn a lot from her.

ONE CAUTION: It can become very easy to talk badly about other people and call it "my opinion". But people who always criticize other people start to seem untrustworthy; friends don't want a friend who talks badly about others, because one day, they could be a target too

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Is the saying 'in good conscience' or 'with good conscience'?

The correct saying is "in good conscience."

What do you do if someone is bothering you by talking nonsense?

You can try to politely ask them to stop or steer the conversation in a different direction. If they continue to bother you, it's okay to excuse yourself from the conversation or remove yourself from the situation. Setting boundaries and prioritizing your own well-being is important.

What is the difference between assertive aggressive and passive refusal skills?

Assertive refusal skills involve confidently saying no while respecting others. Aggressive refusal skills involve forcefully saying no without considering others' feelings. Passive refusal skills involve avoiding confrontation by not saying no directly or clearly.

What is de definition about in absence of communication the mind is left to speculate and speculation is the mother of mistrust?

This saying emphasizes the importance of clear communication in relationships and situations. When there is a lack of communication, people may fill in the gaps with their own speculation, leading to misunderstandings and mistrust. It highlights the need for open and honest communication to avoid misinterpretations and build trust.

Why do people ask questions and answer IDK?

Because there is (theoretically) no minimum age limit for answering questions. Before the requirement to register via Facebook came in, anyone who could reach a keyboard could answer. This left the site vulnerable to really young and immature people posting nonsense answers. However - even now, when the minimum age for using Facebook is 13 - there are still a minority who think answering a question with idk is productive. Rest assured - answers like that are usually flagged for improvement - which brings it to the attention of supervisors such as myself!

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