

How can you stop smoking during your pregnancy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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The safest way to quit while being pregnant is cold turkey. It's very hard to do, but the medications and patches that contain nicotine are harmful to the baby.

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Q: How can you stop smoking during your pregnancy?
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Can smoking during pregnancy cause twins?

No it can not.

When should you stop smoking while preg?

You should stop smoking in general, because it is very harmful for your health. During pregnancy, you also risk the health of your child, in addition to your own. The child will likely be at a greater risk, due to its tender age.You should stop smoking in general, because it is very harmful for your health. During pregnancy, you also risk the health of your child, in addition to your own. The child will likely be at a greater risk, due to its tender age.You should stop smoking in general, because it is very harmful for your health. During pregnancy, you also risk the health of your child, in addition to your own. The child will likely be at a greater risk, due to its tender age.You should stop smoking in general, because it is very harmful for your health. During pregnancy, you also risk the health of your child, in addition to your own. The child will likely be at a greater risk, due to its tender age.

Can smoking stop a pregnancy?

no it can only deform or seriously damage a child

Does Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy make your baby fuzzy?

Fuzzy as in hairy? No it does not.

What to do instantly during chest pain may be due to smoking?

U need to stop smoking.

You have just done pregnancy test its positive you smoke if you stop now will it be ok?

The short answer is YES! The best situation, of course, is for a woman of childbearing age not to smoke at all. An acceptable alternative, however, is to stop smoking as soon as you learn of your pregnancy. The risk of smoking during pregnancy is not so much about mutating effects on the fetus - instead, it has more to do with the amount of oxygen delivered to the developing baby. Babies born to smoking mothers have a greater risk of being lost through miscarriage, having a low birth weight, and things like that. These risks can be minimized by stopping immediately.

What are health consequences of smoking during pregnancy?

The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.

How is premature rupture of membranes prevented?

The only controllable factor associated with PROM is smoking. Cigarette smoking should always be discontinued during a pregnancy.

Will your period stop during a ectopic pregnancy?

Yes, you are pregnant.

What is the condition called with the problems to the fetus due to the mother smoking during pregnancy?

If you smoke during pregnancy will result to intrauterine retarded growth because nicotine can constrict blood vessel.

Is it safe to smoke if your pregnant?

Smoking during pregnancy is very dangerous for the fetus. While in the womb, the fetus is getting nutrients from its mother. When the mother smokes, she is exposing her baby to dangerous toxins. When you smoke during pregnancy you also stand a higher chance for your child to have medical problems such as premature, asthma, ear related illnesses. When smoking during pregnancy, your child has poorer lung function, and has a much higher chance of blood clots. Smoking during pregnancy also increases your chances of a miscarriage, and causes your child to have a higher chance of picking up smoking in his/her future. For more information, check out the multiple related links that have been attached.

Are known health consequences of smoking during pregnancy?

The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.