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Not a doctor....but, calm down, that way the heart slows down and pumps less blood. Hold the hand up high, so that less blood gets to it, and keep the person as cool as possible. Press ice in the area to slow down the bleeding. Tightly wrap the area. Keep the hand elevated. Don't fall asleep. Get assistance.

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Q: How can you stop veins from your hands?
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Related questions

Why are veins popping out on my hands?

You are dehydrated

Are blue veins in your hands bad?

No, it is not bad. Every one has the same kind of veins in their hands. This is a normal thing to have.

Injections to remove veins in hands is this dangereous?

Or a scleotheorpy soluction in the hand veins is this dangerous or not?

What causes raised veins on hands?

There are many possible causes of raised veins on hands. Generally is caused by the relaxing and thinning of the skin due to age. It can also be caused by a restriction of blood vessels in the hand.

What can you do at home about the popping veins in your feet and hands?

To take care of the veins in your feet and hands at home, you can remember to drink plenty of water and to exercise regularly. Drinking water helps to keep your fluid balanced in your body and will often make veins less visible.

How do you cure the bulging of veins in my hands I am 15?

breath and rub the site

What do veins have which prevent blood from flowing towards the heart?

Veins have valves which stop the blood from flowing backwards

What causes blue veins in hands?

Blue veins is caused by working hard. This is when your hands are active a lot. It is because a lot of blood is flowing through your hands to work them. The veins come to the surface because they are full of blood. This also happens on you feet as well.

What prevents blood from flowing in veins?

veins contain valves that prevents blood flowing backwards between heartbeats.There are valves in the veins that stop the blood from flowing backwards.

What does it mean when your veins pop out while washing your hands?

Your veins may pop out when washing your hands because they are kept lower than heart level for a period of time. They may become more distended, then, when working against gravity.

Where are basilic veins located?

Basillac veins are located in the subcutaneous fat of upper limbs, ie human arms. They help drain blood from the hands and forearms.

Your not pregnant you are a Virgin and you have blue spider veins around your B cup breasts you are not overweight but often the Blue Veins on top of your hand and feet popout enlarged whats wrong?

Veins will appear blue. Don't confuse this with spider veins. They will often pop out on the hands and feet if you have been doing heavy lifting (hands and feet) or running or jumping a lot (feet). There is likely nothing wrong. If you don't like the blue veins around your breasts then get a tan.