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you will want to cover your armpit hair with lemon rind

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Q: How can you stop your arm pit hair from growing fast?
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Why would arm pit hair stop growing?

because you died.

How do you stop arm hair from growing?

It is impossible to stop hair from growing but, you can make it from growing longer. Tools you will need: 1.tape(any kind but the really sticky ones.) 2.hands steps: Tape tape on your arm. Push the tape really hard so it will really stick, then you...yank it! It will hurt a lot but, be brave!

If some arm hair was burned or cut off what controls the regrowth so that it grows back to the same length as the rest of the hair on the arm?

The length of all of your body hair, including arm hair is controlled by the growing cycle. A hair strands growth cycle consist of: a growing period a resting period falling out and start of new growth period with a new hair strand. The length of the growing period is fixed for each type of hair (like arm hair). The hairs grow a certain amount every day during the growth period and then stop growing. When they stop growing they are all the same length since they have grown the same amount each day for the same number of days. Usually the hairs on your arm (or leg or head) are in a mixture of different periods; otherwise all the hair would fall out at the same time. This is why the hair on your legs looks thinner after you have shaved them; only the hairs in the growing period start growing right away.

How does hair on your arm know when to stop growing?

It never stops growing until after you die. All the hair on your body falls off regularly and is replaced, it just doesn't happen all at the same time so you don't notice

What is this short gray stiff hair growing out of my arm?

It is a short, gray, stiff hair.

How to stop under arms hairs from growing?

take olive oil and removal hair lotion and but in on their and shave it smoothly barley touching your arm so hair doesn't grow back. and then rinse and let your arm dry to not rub on a towel then it will get TO DRY, and not work right.

How fast does arm pit hair grow?

Really fast. the average woman shaves it off every two or three days.

When do you now you are going through puberty?

First sign is normally hair growing in the upper arm area and stomach.

I only have arm pit hairs will I start puberty?

Growing armpit hair is a sign you have already started puberty.

Is there dye for arm hair?

Answer:They make hair dye. Arm hair is hair. Therefore, by deductive resoning, there is dye for arm hair. Dying arm hair is popular in Cambodia and Laos

Have you just started puberty if you just started growing arm pit hair?

strange not usally arr pit hair is usally the last thing to happen i still do not have arm pit hair and i have facial hair' leg hair and pubes down below and im 14 so it's different for every person

Why is it an indication of puberty for girls?

chest growing-hurts when it hits something or running/jumping, discharge, pubic hair, under arm hair, period, and growth spurts.