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You take a bucket and a spoon. You take the spoon, scoop out ice and put it into a bucket. Then you freeze it and bring it to a country!!

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Q: How can you take ice from Antarctica to different countries?
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How can Antarctica be a continent if it has no countries?

Yes. It can because it is full with ice

Will Antarctica be a country after global warming?

There is land underneath the ice cap. Several countries have already claimed parts of Antarctica. If the ice all disappears the countries (if they still exist) will still have claims on the land beneath the ice.

What are the different types of snow in antarctica?

The frozen water in Antarctica is ice, not snow.

Are Antarctica and Greenland the only countries affected in the ice cap climate?


How is Antarctica different to Britain?

because it's covered in ice, maybe??

What percentage of the ice can find in the antarctica?

One hundred percent of the ice found in Antarctica Antarctica.

Does Antarctica have permanent ice?

No one day all the ice will melt then the sea levels will rise and flood parts of many countries.

Which two countries have ice cap climate?

Antarctica and Greenland (resource: science book :P)

What is the percentage of the ice in Antarctica?

One hundred percent of the ice in Antarctica is ice.

Where do you get ice cores?

Ice cores are essentially big ice blocks that are taken from glaciers and ice caps. They show levels of dust and atmospheric gasses trapped in the ice which show the different levels at different stages in the earth's cycle of climate change. There are many different 'sites' where they take these samples from including Greenland and Antarctica (to name a select few).

How many countries are in Antarctica?

There are none because nobody lives there except for a few scientists studying the ice.

Is the ice sheet on Antarctica shrinking?

yes ice in the antarctica shrink