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How to tie your shoes

First, you grab one shoelace, and you cross it over the other, then, you take the other shoe lace and twist it 150 times. Next, you wrap the other shoelace around the twisted one until it becomes one. Next, you tie the bottom to the top, making one big loop. Then you have the coolest shoetie ever. Goodluck.

1. Hold up both strings. Then cross your hands over exchanging the strings in the other hand while passing them over.
2. Let the strings drop. Pick the coordinating strings back up with coordinating hands. Strings should look like a X. Pick the strings back up and let the right hand drop the string. Pick the string back up with the right hand, while picking the string up this time, pull it through the hole the two string now are making toward your chest.
3. Pull the two strings together tight in a downward position Make a bunny ear with each string(bending the string). With each bunny ear made, lay one over the other, letting the right hand drop the folded string again, then, pull it back toward your chest this last time. While pulling through the hole again, pull the bunny ears in the opposite direction very tight.
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14y ago
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14y ago

The easiest way for kids to tie shoelaces is the "two loop" or "bunny ears" method. This involves a single knot made from both looped lace ends.

The "standard" shoelace knot is made by tucking one lace under the other to form a loose crossover knot. Then one lace is looped and the other wrapped around and under to form the second loop.

Teaching kids can be easier if a shoelace can be made or found that has different colors for each end. This defines the knot and shows how it can be unknotted if a tangle occurs.

(see the related links)

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13y ago

Hold the laces in each hand. cross-over the laces. take one hand and pull the lace through the hole you see. (throught the side in which its facing the shin.) Pull tight. make a bunny ear on each side.(hold in hands) And do as you did before. Pull tight. :)

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12y ago

A way I found useful at first when I was trying to teach a little girl I babysit how to tie her shoes was to use a story. You take one shoe, and give the child one shoe. This isn't the usual method of tying a shoe, but instead a simpler one. (I'm tying a shoe lace as I do this, it still holds, and unties the same way) :)

Here's the story I made up. If you don't like it, make up one of your own!

1. Tell the child, "There once was two bunny ears" (Fold each lace into a bunny ear shaped loop, and get the child to follow along)

2. Tell the child, "They sat on their sides of the bunny rabbit's head for so long, that they wanted to see what it was like on the other side. So one day, the bunny ears decided to switch sides." (Fold one 'bunny ear' over the other so that they make an X shape.)

3. Tell the child, "But after a little while of seeing the new sides of the bunny rabbit's head, one of the ears decided he wanted to see the back of the bunny rabbit's head." (Take the lace in the back, and bring it over the front lace, and underneath again and pull it tight; tying a knot with the two.)

That's it! Shoelace tied! Try it yourself before you attempt to teach it, and run through the whole story several times. Eventually, the child will learn. Once they've heard it, get them to say the story along with you.

One more thing... If their shoelaces constantly come undone, you might want to show them how to double knot it too. Don't forget to shoe them how to untie it!

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14y ago

Generally by the age of five or six.

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13y ago

Family Feud


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Q: How can you teach a kid to tie her shoelace?
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How would you instruct a kid to tie his shoelace?

To tie a shoelace, grab the two shoelace's, cross them, make a bunny ear with one of them and wrap the other one around it, push the one shoelace that you put around the one you made into a bunny ear and push it through the hole and pull both shoelace's and whala!

What is the plural of this sentence please tie your shoelace?

The plural form of please tie your shoelace is please tie your shoelaces.

How do you tie a shoolace?

Check this site here:http:/ It has a step by step diagrams to help you tie a shoelace. :]

How does a shoelace works?

tie a knot and then a bowe and then your shoelace is tied unless u want a double knot then u just tie another knot

How many ways is there to tie your shoelace?

956487 956487

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Just make it like a shoelace

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Tommo meets Molly in is classroom when he is unable to tie his shoelace.

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greuies tu un hago preconise

Can you tie your shoelace when you are pregnant?

Yes. It's fine unless your Dr tells you otherwise.

How many people in the world knows how to tie a shoelace?

It is estimated that the majority of people in the world, particularly those who wear shoes with laces, know how to tie a shoelace. This skill is typically taught at a young age and is considered a basic life skill.

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the tip you use to thread the shoelace with is call the aglet

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a shoelace a shoelace a shoelace