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Q: How can you tell a male conure from a female conure without sexing?
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Difference between male and female sun conure?

Well there are almost no diffrences in male and female sun conures but here are a few i know if the head is small and round it is female if it is larger and flat it is male

How to know flowerhorn male and female without see the anal?

The sexing of flowerhorn fish is not that difficult. If you cannot see the U (female) or V (male) shaped anal pores, you can still see the humps. As one might expect, the female's hump should be smaller.

What is vent sexing?

It's a method for determining whether a chick (in the poultry sense) is male or female.

What is sexs?

When a males penis push there way to a female’s vagaina or An*l

If a rabbit fur is white is it a male or female?

Both male and female rabbits can have white fur. See the related question below about sexing rabbits for more details and helpful links.

How do you tell if a green cheeked conure is a boy or girl?

One way to tell if the Patagonian conure is male or female is by looking at the birds head shape. A female conures will have soft round head while a males head is more flat. Most female conures have pink feet while males have grey feet.

Can a female zebra finch lay eggs without a male?

the female cant lay egg without the male

Is my parakeet a boy because of his pink and purple cere?

sexing a budgie is relatively easy. if the bird has a blue cere its a male if it has a pink or brown cere its a female

How can you sex somone?

Sexing is the act of determining the sex of an animal, so to sex a person, you need to look at their genitals and determine whether the subject is male or female.

Is there a way to tell the difference between a male and a female rabbit in the wild without touching them?

No. There is nothing significant between male and female rabbits just to look at them; differences in size, ear shape, colour, etc., does not give any clue what-so-ever as to whether a particular animal is male or female. The only way to tell a buck from a doe is to check the genitalia. Even then, experts such as breeders and veternarians well- used to "sexing" rabbits can make a mistake.

How do you tell male from female in bantam chicks?

Some breeds can be sexed by color or by wing feathers (auto sexing). Otherwise, you will need to wait until they are older to sex them.

Do female fish lay eggs without male?

Yes female Angle can lay their eggs without a male. But the eggs will not be fertile.