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Q: How can you tell a male red devil from a female?
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Are devils male or female?

The "devil" can be anything you can imagine, there is no actual proof on if the devil even exists but he is usually portrayed as a male character with red skin.

How do you tell the difference between a male red belly turtle and a female red belly turtle?

You usually can tell by their tale if its longer its a male if its shorter its a female.

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Males have red stomachs

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For Red Eared Turtles a female has short nails and a male as long sharp nails.

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Ask it nicely?

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look at its pee arae .. <3

How can you tell if a red fish is a male or a female?

A girls cap is bigger and the boys cap is smaller

How Do You tell If A Eastern Water skink is a male or female?

A female isn't coloured whereas a male has a red,yellow,blue or green chest.

How do you tell if a red eat slider is a boy or girl?

female red ear slider have a much shorter tail then the male.

Little Corella he has blue around his eyes Can tell whether he is female or male by this?

no both have blue eye sacks the male has brownish blak eyes and the female red

How can you tell a male black mamba from a female?

Answer: The male has the same hourglass red mark on the abdomen, but is much smaller than the female. On the female, the abdomen is 10-20 times the size of the thorax. so the female has a bigger butt than the male lol!!!

What is the difference between a male lightning bug and a female lightning bug?

how to tell the difference between lighting bugs in male and female isMale has no red but so tiny we humans can't see Female has red dots in its black skin and we can see is