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There are many things you can infer about a rats diet from its teeth including the hardness of it's food. Rats that eat harder food have shorter teeth.

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13y ago

if it has hard and rough teeth you can tell they ate light food.. gums will not be weak.if they are weak and soft and gums will be weak they ate alot and woar there teeth and anamil down..

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14y ago

If the canines of the mammal are more pointed and incisors are small and nearly unnoticeable then its food is mainly consists of meat.In other case its food would be plants.

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Q: How can you tell an animals diet based on its teeth?
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Animals with sharp teeth?

If you are asking to name a few animals with sharp teeth then here are a few: -sharks -crocodiles -Wolves -piranha If you are asking what is the significance of animals having sharp teeth then the significance is that you can tell what the animal's diet is. If their teeth are sharp then that means they need their teeth to bite through skin and chew which usually means the animal is a carnivore.

How do scientists learn about extinct animals?

Through the science of archiology. They dig up the bones and other remains of animals, reassemble them kinda like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle, and study the skeletal sructure of the animal. This gives a lot of general information. They then study individual parts of the skeleton to learn some more detailed things. The teeth for instance will tell if they were an herbavore (with flat grinding teeth), a carnavor (with sharp cutting teeth), or an omnivor, with a combination of types of teeth (like humans have)

Can you tell the age of a cow by its teeth?


What is one important factor that influences how an animal obtains its food?

you can tell by the teeth. Sharp teeth are for meat, flat teeth are for plants.

Can you tell the gender of a horse by its teeth?

No, you can vaguely tell the age however, by the length and wear on the teeth. The answer that I've seen is yes, that mature male horses have between 40 and 44 teeth, while mature females have 36-40. Yes, that may be true, however if both a mare and a gelding both have 40 teeth then there is no way to tell its gender. And why would you count teeth when you could just look underneith the horse or under the tail to see the gender.

Related questions

Animals with sharp teeth?

If you are asking to name a few animals with sharp teeth then here are a few: -sharks -crocodiles -Wolves -piranha If you are asking what is the significance of animals having sharp teeth then the significance is that you can tell what the animal's diet is. If their teeth are sharp then that means they need their teeth to bite through skin and chew which usually means the animal is a carnivore.

What can you tell about a mammal from the shape of its teeth?

The main thing one can tell about mammals based on the shape of their teeth is whether they. Herbivores or carnivores. Admittedly, this does not hold true for pandas, which are herbivorous, feeding on bamboo shoots and leaves, but it is usually true. In some mammals, their age can be determined by their teeth.

How do you tell how old a horse is by its teeth?

you can tell a horses age by its teeth

What can you tell about the animals that lived long ago?

There are a lot of things you can tell form animals that lived long ago. Fossils give us many atributes to that animal. like the shape teeth what they ate and many other things

How did australopithecus live?

It is quite hard to tell what the australopithecines ate because their teeth arent very specialised, and it is through the form of the teeth that we can tell most about an animal may have eaten. One thing we can say is that their diet probably wasn't particularly specialised because their teeth aren't specifically adapted to a particular type of diet such as being meat eaters or fruit eaters. The tiny, microscopic scratches left on their teeth from the food they ate suggests a diet something like modern day gorrillas, but it is important to remember that the australopithicus includes several different species which each would have had their own dietary patterns. It has been postulated that they would have survived on a diet of nuts, berries and edible greens.

What does a carnivore's diet tell you about other types of animals that live in that area?

It tells u what animals live in the area cause if an animal- say a lion- eats- say a mouse, then mice have to live in the animals habitat.

How do you tell big teeth and small teeth apart?

big teeth have little bumps at the top and small may be straight but not completly and tell by the size

How can you tell if your teeth are rotting?

If your teeth are getting holes or your teeth hurt when you don't have a loose tooth, that's how you know.

How many was to tell how old a horse is?

you can tell how old a horse is by looking at its teeth- 4 teeth = 6 month 6 teeth = 2 years 8 teeth = 4 years old and so on .

How can you tell how old a horse is?

You can tell how old a horse is by looking at its teeth because certain teeth grow in at a certain time in a horses life. There are little marks on the teeth which could also tell u its age

How animals protact self?

teeth,claws,and their fierce bond with each other and the urge to save one another, plus their hearing, and their sight..they can tell whether something is about to attcak them or if something is planning to...go animals with these things!

can any one tell me where to go to get 9 teeth pulled?

can any one tell me where to go to get 9 teeth pulled