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Weight gain is usually the best way to tell. Once the female has been bred, check her weight weekly and you should see a steady gain. Toward the end of term, she may "show" by looking wider than normal. One way for sure is to have the skink x-rayed at the vet. When you have determined she is pregnant, monitor her closely towards the end of her term. Supervised birthing is advised for these skinks. Move the babies to another enclosure after they have consumed their birth-sac. the bellies go pink

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They get very fat and their breathing because slightly strained.

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Q: How can you tell if a blue tongued lizard is pregnant?
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how do i tell if a blue belly lizard is going to have a baby?

if the mom is fat !!!!!!

How do you tell the sex of a western fence lizard?

The males have dark bright blue bellies(and throats). The females have lighter blue bellies(and throats).

How do you tell if a blue belly lizard has eggs?

they might get a little bigger and they will start building a nest

How do you tell your lizard is pregnant?

when it is fat and it doesn't move that much all it is going to do is just sit there and make it look like he or she is sick.

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you could be pregnant in the first 2 weeks if pregnancy test is blue

How can you tell if a blue bellied lizard is a boy or a girl?

Well I have 3 blue belies at home one way to tell them apart is look at the size or color females are dark and small males are light and big

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Ye, he was (a General in the RevolutionaryWar).

How can you tell when a blue tongue lizard is aggressive?

it flattens itself out and flashes its blue tongue while it hisses at you (it might chase you but they dont run vey fast luckly) dont pick up wild blue tongues!

How can you tell if blue belly lizards are girls or boys?

It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.

What reptile can run on waterjesus lizard?

well, how u can tell its jesus lizard is it has to have a beard.....yup

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one has a penis