

How can you tell if he is involved with his ex?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You can tell that your husband (or bf) is still involved with his ex if he always goes out and says he's with his friends. You can also tell if you ask him what he was doing and he gets all nervous and lies.

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Q: How can you tell if he is involved with his ex?
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When do you tell your new boyfriend about your ex?

Why do you need to tell him about your ex? Is your ex still involved in your life? If your ex isn't still involved in your life - then it should just come up if he ever asks you about your past or you all are sharing information. For the sake of your new relationship - unless there are children involved - I hope your ex is no longer an active part of your life. If he is and there are no children - that makes it very challenging or impossible to manage a relationship.

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You dont have to tell him where you are and dont. Dont let him have contol over your life like thaT And espically if children are involved. Dont put them in harms way

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The real question is why does she have to? Are there kids involved? Is she still in constant contact with him? If so, why? An ex is an ex for a reason. I think once two people move on, their relationships are off limits for discussion. If there are kids involved, there should only be discussion to the extent that it impacts the children.

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tell the guy that you love him and see what he says if he truley has fellings for you he will tell you you will know when it is the right moment. trust me you will regret it if you dont do it

Why would your ex-girlfriend say to your friend I hear he has a girlfriend in California even though you dont and nobody would tell her that.?

If your friend is a female then your ex girlfriend is trying to cause problems and covering all aspects of your girl friend not getting too romantically involved with you. You ex is putting doubt into your friends mind. Face you're ex and tell her to knock it off!

What if your boyfriend is friends with his ex and has asked you to meet her?

'Ex' means the relationship is over and it's time to move forward into the future. Unless they have a child together then there is no reason for the ex to be involved in your relationship with him. Communicate this fact to him and tell him you would prefer to be kept out of it. If there is a child involved then perhaps you could meet once with her, but let your boyfriend know that's where it ends.

How do you know if he is only with you to get back at his ex?

* If he is in contact with his ex while being with you then anything is possible. Unless there are children involved where he has to see his ex to see his children, then he should have moved on from his ex. If he is still seeing his ex tell him it's either her or you. Never take a back seat to another woman in regards to your mate. Don't blame his ex, blame him!

What if your husbands ex is texting him?

If there are children involved and it's strictly about the children that is the bond they have in common. Is this isn't the case then put your foot down with your husband and tell him that there is no reason to be texting his ex and you refuse to put up with it. Communication is very important so sit him down and tell him how it's going to be or he can get out!

Your husband keeps in contact with his ex-wife even though he knows you do not like it you struggled badly a whole year and almost broke up Now he is back in touch with her again What is wrong?

If there are children involved then your husband has to be in contact with his ex wife because of the children. However, if there are no children involved there is no need for him to be in contact with his ex wife and you need to make it clear to him that it is either her or you. Let him know you are willing to file for divorce if he does not leave his ex out of your lives and tell him that 'ex' means the relationship is over.

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tell him that your not interested. if you were he wouldn't be your ex.

How do you tell your girlfriend that she cannot talk to an ex?

Tell ehr it makes you uncomfortable when she talsk to her Ex

How do you tell your ex you like someone else?

why, he is your ex right