

How can you tell if someone is bipolar?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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If you find yourself suffering from mood swings involving any severity of prolonged depression as well as boughts of mania which can be described as delisions of grendior or an overall feeling of greatness then it is possible that you show symbtoms of bi polar disorder but this does not mean that you have it. For a proper diagnosis consult a psychologist and avoid any online tests or descriptions.

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Bipolar is also known as manic-depressive. The individual will alternate between periods of manic activity and being depressed.

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Is there a test to tell if I am bipolar?

Yes, there are mental health assessments and tests that can help determine if you may have bipolar disorder. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis. They will consider your symptoms, medical history, and other factors to provide an accurate assessment.

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It would be best for that "someone" to hear it and be educated by the treating physician/psychiatrist.

How do you tell your best friend that you have bipolar?

say "you are my best friend, so i can tell you anything here it goes i have bipolar" hope that helps you.

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if your boyfriend has bipolar and doesn't want help you still might need to tell someone close to him or a parent to help but you also need to talk it through with him also and see what needs to be done

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its still her. trust what she says. if she says she likes you - she does

How and when should you tell someone you are dating that you are bipolar?

It depends. Usually, when there is enough trust built up and you sense that your partner will be understanding, this is a reasonably good time to have the conversation.

You want to chat to someone with bipolar disorder?

I have bipolar if you want to talk to me.

What can someone with bipolar do?

They will say at a manic state,"anything ". And they can do everything a non bipolar person can do also, often better!!

Can bipolar disorder misunderstand feelings?

Yes, more then a someone with our bipolar disorder but, anyone can misunderstand their own feellings.

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How do you have a successful friendship with someone who is bipolar?

I'm bipolar and I can tell you it is very hard to have friends. But the key is that you both need to be open and you might have to force the friend to open up. Its very important to make sure they know you care about them and will nd there for them. You also need to be patient with them.

Do you have to legally tell employers you suffer from bipolar disorder?

No, absolutely not.