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Is this someone your mom? Listen to mommy.

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Q: What is a smart comeback to tell someone when they tell you to go to bed?
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How can you tell if someone is a bedwetter?

They act as normal as people who don't wet the bed so you can't tell.

What should you do if you think someone is better than you in bed?

Tell them ... they will be flattered .. and your sex life will get even better.

How do you get someone in bed?

Show them you love them. That is exactly right dude. Tell them you love them very much and you will NEVER leave them. Man, you'll have someone in bed faster than a deer crossing a 4 lane highway near the ocean.

How can you comfort someone who's scared of the dark?

Tell them that there is nothing to be afraid of, or sit with them for awhile until they fall asleep and then put them to bed.

What is bed ridden?

Someone who is bed ridden is someone who has to stay in bed for a period of time (mostly for medical reasons), for a certain goal.

What should you do to take your girl lie on your bed?

tell her its her bed

How many pounds does a bed hold?

Depends which bed it is. If you read about which bed it is, it will tell you the maximum amount.

What is the word for reading in bed?

A librocubicularist is someone who reads in bed.

What is simran's height?

I can not tell you Simran's height but I can tell you about her. She is from India and is very smart. She went to Jackson Elementary for 6 years.but now she is in Canada and she is called a bacari and a ludaree.she watches naruto naked in bed and goes on Google and searches if humans can have dog kids.

When do you tell someone sweet dreams?

The term, "Sweet Dreams" is used when somebody is going to bed. You are telling them to have good dreams while they sleep. This is usually said to someone close or related to the speaker.

How do you get someone in your bed?

ask them

How do you persuade your parents to let you get a double bed?

Tell them you'll give them money to help them pay for it. But on the day they bought the bed tell them you lost the money and tell them that when you are laying on the bed. I Joel Lopez knows it will work 100%