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If it is dead it will be open therefore if it is alive it will be closed. Sometimes they are open but still alive, but if you tap their shell they close it.

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Q: How can you tell if your clam is alive if the shell isn't open?
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When a clam shell opens in the water is it still alive?

yes they are. they open often, i have seen it.

How does a sea otter eat a clam shell?

a sea otter eats a clam shell by using its strong teeth and paws to pry it open

What holds two clam shells together?

the mussel of the clam keeps the shell together. But they can open it if the want.

What is the krusty krab sign made of?

A giant open clam shell.

How does a seagull break open a clam?

it pries open the shell with its beak like a screw driver

How can you tell whether or not a clam is alive just by looking at its exterior?

if you found your clam in a lake,pond,or river, then take some of the water with you in a bag or container and get more of that water every once and a whileand keep your clam in it.

What are the parts of a clam's nervous system?

The clam can survive with only 3 pairs of ganglia. Two pairs control the open and closing of the shell, will the pedal controls the foot of the clam.

What holds the two clam shells together?

posterior and anterior adductor muscles

What is clams body covering?

Clams are generally covered by a shell. It is a part of the clam's body, and it can open or close; when closed, it serves the purpose of protecting the clam from predators.

How is the hinge ligament in relation to the two halves of a clam?

The hinge ligament is attached to the adjacent edges on one side of the two halves of a clam shell. This allows the clam to open and close like a door.

How do starfish open clams?

Starfish eat clams by grasping and pulling on the clams shell until the clam can't hold it close any longer. Once the shell is opened far enough, the starfish begins to feed on the clam.

What are the basic requirements for spherical pearl production?

Basically you need a clam, and a piece of sand or shell to irritate it, put it in the clam and wait for (i don't know how long) and when the time is right open up the clam and receive your pearl.