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You can only tell 2 weeks after sex at the earliest

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Q: How can you tell if your pregnant or not in the next few days?
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Can you tell if your pregnant within a week?

It takes a few days to get pregnant so the test wont be reliable until after 10-14 days.

Does having cramps means your pregnant?

No. It most likely means that you are going to get your period sometime in the next few days.

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I am 2 days late and have had a negative result are you pregnant?

Too early to tell. Try test again in a few weeks.

How many days girl can get pregnant?

a few days a month.

Can you get pregnant 9 days after a period my vycle is 28 days?

Yeah, you can get pregnant at anytime, sperm lives inside you for a few days.

Can a woman get pregnant from sprem on her back?

Yes and no. Sometimes if the girls skin is thin enough the sperm will squeeze through it and eventually make to the vagina. You should know if she's pregnant in the next few days.

How soon after fertilisation can you tell if you are pregnant?

Pretty soon. I would say after a few days at the latest because by then the zygote is already growing at a rapid rate.

How do you tell if your sim is pregnant on Sims 3?

your sim will show sign of naseau and back pains and in a few days a "baby bump" will appear on your sim.

Can you get pregnant a few days after cycle?

Yes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

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If i had my last menstrual cycle on June 22 when should your next cycle start and what is the perfect time for entercourse for getting pregnant?

Your period will usually start in 28 days, give or take a few days.