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Q: How can you tell someone's sex by their feet?
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Can you tell the sex of a person by their feet?

No, it is very hard to do this with humans.

Can you tell the gender by looking at someones feet?

Yea if it is hairy it is from a man. Unless it's a polish woman

Is wanting to smell someones feet normal?


What is it called when you get under someones feet hinder?

to impede

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Can you tell if someones a terroist?

Only after the fact.

How do you tell if someones a pidifile?

If they abuse a kid.

Can you tell if someones on line not a friend facebook?


Is it dangerous if you tickle someones feet?

only if they have explosive diarrhea

If you have someones IP address can you tell if they are online?


How can you tell if someones dead?

Check for a pulse - and/or breathing !