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The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

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Q: How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of basalt layers?
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How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of the basalt?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

How can you tell that sandstone is older than a basalt layer?

If the sandstone is below the basalt layer, it is older. Though caution is advised, to make sure it is really a basalt layer and not an intrusion of gabbro. Other indicators that the sandstone is older is evidence of alteration to the sandstone where the two meet (called a "baked contact") and pieces of sandstone being found in the the basalt.

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The rocks layers are tilted and resistant such as sandstone alternate with nonresistant rock like shale.

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Sedimentary rocks are often deposited in layers as strata. The feature that tells how a sedimentary rock is layered is called the bedding.

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Relative dating tells us the age of the strata in relation to each other. Older strata are invariably further down, except on the rare occasions of overthrusts. When an overthrust occurs there is typically a discontinuity--clear evidence this has occurred. More recent layers will be deposited above the older layers.

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You can tell the age of the layers. The bottom layer is the oldest and the top is the youngest. When the layers are disturbed they tend to get bent and messed up and you cannot tell the age

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How can you tell which Basalt rocks has been in the river the longest?

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