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Q: How can you tell the difference between dementia and diabetosis keatosis?
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What is the differences between depression and dementia?

what is the difference between depression and dementia

What is the difference between dementia and senility?

Senility is an old word for dementia. Only old people can be senile, but anyone can have dementia from brain damage.

What is the explanation for the difference between dementia and derium?

Delirium is a medical state of confusion that happens over a short time period. Dementia is memory loss that evolves over a longer time period.

How can we differentiate between Alzheimer's and Dementia?

The difference is in the symptoms.Alzheimer Disease is a form of progressive dementia with its own syndrome and final results (death).Dementia in general refers to any progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

What is the relationship between brain and behaviour in people with dementia?

relationship between brain changes and behaviour in people with dementia

Is there a relationship between meditation and dementia?

There may be a relationship between meditation and dementia. Several studies have shown that meditation may actually help to slow down the process of dementia.

What is the relationship between brain changes and behaviour in people with dementia?

relationship between brain changes and behaviour in people with dementia

What is the relationship between meditation and dementia?

Meditation may help to slow the progress of dementia.

What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's?

The main difference is that, unlike Alzheimer’s, dementia is not a disease; it is a group of symptoms that impact memory, ability to communicate, and performance of daily tasks. It usually starts with simple forgetfulness and can progress to an inability to care for oneself. There is more than one type of dementia, and people can suffer from multiple types simultaneously.Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. It gets worse with time and affects language, thought, and memory, and it’s currently incurable. No exact cause is known.

How dementia is recognised?

Dementia can be recognized by symptoms such as changes in personality or behavior, memory loss, speech, and thinking skills. There is a difference between forgetting where you parked and forgetting where you live, for example. If an elderly loved one displays a persistent pattern of increased irritability or some form of bizarre behavior, like cracking jokes at a funeral, then the person probably has dementia and should be tested for it.

How many people currently have dementia?

In the UK 750,000 people suffer from dementia.

What is the difference between dementia and amnesia?

AMNESIA dementia !) means:loss of memories. !) means:loss of mental functions. 2) types:neurological\organic amnesia & 2) types: lewy body dementia, psychogenic\dissociative amnesia. vascular dementia. 3) causes: damage to limbic system of brain, 3)causes:stroke,toxic reactions to which regulates memory. drugs & alcohol. 4) symptoms:impaired ability to learn & 4)symptoms:memory loss, remember. madness. 5) no specific treatment. 5)treatment of medications such as Aricept,Exelon,Razadyne & Namenda.