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Demonstrative adjectives are used to describe a noun.

Demonstrative pronouns are used to replace a noun.

They are:

This - Este/Esta

These - Estos/Estas

That - Ese/Esa

Those - Esos/Esas


Demonstrative adjective - Me gusta este lenjuage (I like this language)

Demonstrative pronoun - Me gusta ese (I like that)

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6mo ago

The Spanish demonstrative adjectives (este, esta, estos, estas) are used to modify nouns, indicating proximity or distance. Demonstrative pronouns (éste, ésta, éstos, éstas) are used to replace the noun itself. In other words, adjectives precede nouns whereas pronouns stand alone.

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Those formed by adjectives. Spanish adjectives can be adverbs: Iba lento --- He was going slowly Canta bonito --- He sings nicely

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