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it flattens itself out and flashes its blue tongue while it hisses at you (it might chase you but they dont run vey fast luckly) dont pick up wild blue tongues!

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Q: How can you tell when a blue tongue lizard is aggressive?
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Can you tell me the Sex of a blue tounged lizard?


How old is your blue belly lizard?

If you're asking how can you tell how old your blue belly lizard is, then it's easy you just look at how many spots there are. But if you're asking how old is mine, then the answer would be 6 (:

Why wont your blue bellied lizard move?

it will not move because it is one of the species that does not move many years ago i bred blue belly, or western fence crawler, lizards. Sometimes it is because they are trying to act dead, in which case, leave it alone. other times, they are trying to tell you leave them alone. again, leave it alone, or it will be prone to bite.

Can a lizard live for a week without oxygen?

I have a bearded dragon and the longest he has gone without food is 3 weeksn i did not want to risk killing him so... ill tell you something great and helpful every lizard has a tail right? right so if every lizard has a tail why do they have a tail? well a lizard has a tail for FOOD STORAGE thats when they store there food incase they will be needing it later which most lizards need there food storage for there 1 week hybernation dureing winter. but if a lizard loses its tail it has to hunt for food more often as it did before because it has no storage available and the tail will re grow but the tail will be shorter it is easy to tell if a lizard is starving because of the following 1 the lizard has a skinny tail 2 the lizard itself looks like he hasnt eaten for a period 3 health issues a lizard can live without food for about 3-4 weeks...

How can you tell if your lizard is a girl or a boy?

Bluie girls have read tomes I'm pretty shore because they're fatter and Bluey boys are mostly blue green umm if not ill give you a link kk or ask your nerby lizard geek hope Ive help BTW I'm a lizard geek i love them <(^_^)>

Related questions

Can you tell me the Sex of a blue tounged lizard?


how do i tell if a blue belly lizard is going to have a baby?

if the mom is fat !!!!!!

How many babies do blue tongue lizards have?

you tell me!

How do you tell the sex of a western fence lizard?

The males have dark bright blue bellies(and throats). The females have lighter blue bellies(and throats).

How do you tell if you have two blue tongue lizards?

Wild stab in the dark here but.... count them !

How do you tell if a blue belly lizard has eggs?

they might get a little bigger and they will start building a nest

How can you tell if a blue bellied lizard is a boy or a girl?

Well I have 3 blue belies at home one way to tell them apart is look at the size or color females are dark and small males are light and big

How old is your blue belly lizard?

If you're asking how can you tell how old your blue belly lizard is, then it's easy you just look at how many spots there are. But if you're asking how old is mine, then the answer would be 6 (:

What rank was General George Washington in the revolutionary war?

Ye, he was (a General in the RevolutionaryWar).

How can you tell if blue belly lizards are girls or boys?

It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.

What reptile can run on waterjesus lizard?

well, how u can tell its jesus lizard is it has to have a beard.....yup

How to you tell a girl sage brush lizard from a boy sage brush lizard?

one has a penis