

How can you totaly remove the body odor?

Updated: 3/17/2020
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12y ago

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You can remove body odor by bathing frequently and put on deodorant so your arm pits don't smell.

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Q: How can you totaly remove the body odor?
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Can body odor be caused by showering too much?

Some people have bad body odor even after showering because the soap and water does not remove all the bacteria from the skin. The body odor is caused by bacteria. Sometimes shaving the hair from under the arms can do away with the offending bacteria. Then the soap and water can remove it from the skin.

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No! it can never remove stains from any cloth , it is only to add a nice odor to the body!

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Put them in a washing machine, add soap and turn it on.

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Body oder is an odd thing to get on a laptop. Try wiping the computer down with vinegar.

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You would remove body odor from fabric, specifically a cheer uniform by spraying it with a fabric freshener such as Febreze. Spray the clothing until it is damp, then allow to dry. As it dries, Febreze works to eliminate the odor. Once dry, launder the uniform as normal.

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Because water alone cannot remove all the dirt and grease

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Don't overcook them, and there will be no odor.

What would make your dog have a terrible odor that shampoo will not remove?

A skunk could have made your dog smell like this? or it may just be his natural body odor which will come back even after a shower.

What is the cause of body odor?

The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.

What behaviors can affect body odor?

Activities that make you sweat can affect your body odor.

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the odor of your body is occured by sweat.

How do you get rid of body odor without taking a shower?

Scrub down with baby wipes, as they are meant to remove urine odor . But bathe as soon as you can, as germs will continue to grow. This is a temporary emergency solution only.