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get some q tip, and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. stick the q tip in the H2O2 and dab it on the sore. it will hurt like hell. but the wound will heal a lot faster. If the tear doesn't heal soon you should have it examined by your dentist.

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Q: How can you treat a painful tear in your gums that happened when you hit them with your toothbrush?
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Ask your doctor.

Is a toothbrush a simple machine?

I wouldn't call it that. It's more like a lever. You hold one end of the toothbrush and the other end of the lever is the bristled working end against the teeth and gums. As the fulcrum is on the working end, there is no mechanical advantage for the toothbrush lever.

How efficient would a Sonicare Toothbrush be?

A Sonicare Toothbrush is actually very efficient in cleaning your entire mouth. It can get in between your teeth to prevent gingivitis, and also makes it easier to clean the gums, which is where most people tend to ignore.

Where can information be found on the Colgate ProClinical Electric Toothbrush?

One can find information on the Colgate Pro Clinical Electric Toothbrush on Boots. The A1500 is exclusive to Boots and retails at å£84.99. The toothbrush has smart sensors which automatically adjust to clean teeth and gums and is the world's first toothbrush to do this. It also has a manual mode and a timer, a charger and a travel case.

Your Gums hurt and there is white puffy stuff on it?

There are actually 13 different conditions of the mouth that can cause pain in the gums with white patches. Some of these conditions include toothbrush irritation, a virus infection, canker sores, and thrush.

What does it mean if large painful white holes appear in the back of your gums on both sides?

Oral Cancer

When your dog has his gums stiking out What is wrong with him?

Their gums might be infected which caused them to enlarge and stick out. Check with your vet as soon as possible so they can treat the problem.

Is the Philips sonicare toothbrush better than the Braun oral b?

In my opinion no the philips sonicare toothbrush is not better than the braun oral b. The hairs on the philips are much rougher and irritate my gums more than the braun oral b.

Is having a tooth brace put in painful?

well at the beginning it will be very painful for like a week and then as you get used to it it want hurt and your lips might get ripped or your gums might bleed.

A painful hole has developed in your gums where you had a wisdom tooth extracted over a year ago what is going on?

it is probably infected