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you take your research you get and think of your characters, create dilague between them and put it together into squares. Make sure you use lots of color!!

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Q: How can you turn the Boston Tea Party into a comic strip?
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you have to get all of the big Nate comics strip,after that you turn all of the comic peiecs of the comic strips to a tall black haired man ,then the man gives you he gum!!!!

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The outcome of the Boston massacre was that it later lead to the Revolutionary war, and then the Boston tea party.

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first you have to go to the science lab and click on the stove, mix blue and yellow to make green turn is to heat level 2 and it will turn into a stink bomb then get a detention* set off the stink bomb and you will be able to reach the fileing cabnit! *if you don't know how to get a detention you have to complete the comic strip the man in the comic store gave you (if you didn't get the comic strip - go get it from him) and him will let you keep the comic and give you a piece of gum, go to the school and once you get inside chew the gum -HOPE IT HELPED

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In the Peanuts comic strip, Linus does not turn his blanket into anything when he grows up. He continues to hold onto it for security and comfort, even as an adult.

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Get the outside frame and header from the guy at the Komix store. Once you collect the eight pieces, assemble them into the frame and take them back to the guy.

What happend because of the Boston Tea Party?

The direct consequence was the enactment of the Declaratory Act (declared that Parliament had the right to tax anything they wanted) and the Coercive/Intolerable Acts which closed the port of Boston. The consequences of the Tea Party would, in turn, result in the Revolution.

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Timmy's Turn favorite comic book is called "The Adventures of Captain Dynamo."

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The passage of the stamp act led directly to the Boston Tea Party. This, in turn, led directly to the Revolutionary War.

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It would turn Green

How do you open the locker on big nate island?

Get the frame to the Big Nate comic strip from the guy at the comic book store. Collect the 8 pieces from around the island. Whe you assemble them all into the frame, the locker combination is written across the middle. If you click on the stuffed locker, it will show the lock. Turn each dial until the number is entered, from top to bottom. (*the code is 9305, but knowing that will not get the locker open until you have collected and assembled the comic)