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"Smoke it, toke it, drink it in tea, eat it in a brownie, grow it for free!
Just don't tell what you have done, or the Feds gonna come at you with a gun!"

Seriously, cannabis can be made into a tincture, which is basically an extraction by alcohol, you can cook gently it in butter, and then use the butter in baked goods, or mix it in peanut butter. You can drink it in tea, but you should add butter or some oil to bind the cannabinoids.

Smoking it is a usual way of ingestion, but it can be harsh on the lungs (as any smoke can be) though a recent study by Dr. Donald Tashkin of NIDA showed that even long term, chronic smokers of cannabis had NO elevated risk of lung, head or throat cancer. That's probably because cannabis has been shown to cause cancer cells to die. I guess they don't teach that in school. To relieve the harshness of smoke, you can use something called a vaporizer which heats cannabis up enough to release the cannabinoids, but not enough to burn it, so there is no smoke, just vapor.

Even the US Government took out a patent on Cannabis for medical use. The patent (#6,630,507) was issued not by, but to the Dept. of Health and Human Services, and says that cannabis is useful in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases including stroke, trauma, auto-immune disorders, HIV dementia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

When the government says that cannabis is harmful, they are lying to you. Not only that, but, with that patent, they have positioned themselves to profit from cannabis when it becomes legal. Write to your elected representatives, and tell them, you want it legalized NOW! When they hear from enough of us, the laws will change.

Alcohol used to be prohibited until they realized that the prohibition was causes more problems than the alcohol did. And alcohol IS bad for you, whereas cannabis will cure you.
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14y ago

Effective, meaning int terms of cost-efficiency:

Water Pipes/Bongs


Effective, meaning wasting as little psychoactive material as possible:

Vaporize it, then smoke the brown remnants out of a water pipe/bong/bubbler

Heat a glass rod until red hot, then insert it into a freshly loaded bowl on a bong

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12y ago

It can be Smoked (most common), taken orally (as pills, or capsules), or used in foodstuffs such as cookies, brownies, cakes, or other types of baked goods.

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Canada ranks 17th in the world as far as the use of Cannabis is concerned.

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MOST PEOPLE!!!!! 4 out of 5 people ive me in my life smoke cannabis.

Would young people use cannabis if it was legal?

Not all would, but a little amount will be peer pressured into the use of cannabis by friends who have already taken the substance

Is cannabis legal in France?

Cannabis is illegal in France. However, use of is generally tolerated so long as consumption is discrete.

What is cannabis drugs made of?

Cannabis is Made with a greenish-gray mixture of dried Cannabis sativa flowers. When Cannabis is sold or eaten for medical purposes, it can also be used to make tea. Cannabis LMS gives you training on how to use Cannabis for Dispensaries.

Why do people use cannabis drug?

for them to feel better

What proof is there that someone has had cannabis?

Cannabis use releases a chemical called THC into your bloodstream. Therefore in a blood test THC would be detected, even for some time after taking Cannabis.