

How can you use density to see if an object can float?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Usually, an object can float if it has a lower density than the liquid it is in.

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Q: How can you use density to see if an object can float?
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How can density be use to determine whether an object will float or sink in a fluid?

When you have the density of both the object and the fluid, just see which has a higher density. If the object has a higher density than the fluid, the object will sink. If the object has a lower density than the fluid, the object will float.

How can you use density to determine if an object will sink or float a fluid?

If the density of an object is lower than water then it will float, if the density is higher it will sink.

How can you use density to determine whether an object wil float or sink in a fluid?

If the density of the object is less than the density of the water it is placed in, the object will float and vice versa.

How can you use math to predict if an object will float or sink?

If the object's density is greater than the density of the liquid in which it is placed, it will sink. If the density is less, it will float. You can use math to calculate the density, if you know an object's mass and volume. Density is defined as mass divided by volume.

How can you use the density of an object to predict weather it will sink or float?

if the density of the object was higher than 1 then it will sink if less than 1 it will float in water....

Can you use volume alone predict whether an object will sink or float?

No, because you can predict if an object will sink or float mostly on density.

How can you use the destiny of an object to predict wheather it will float or sink in water?

The density of water is 1.00, so if the density of the object is greater than one, it will sink. If the density of the object is less than 1.00, then it will float. If the density of the object equals or is like 1.01, 1.02, 0.99, or 0.98, then it will be suspended.

How do you use the density of an object to predict whether it will float or sink in the water?

If its density is less than 1 it will float in water. If its density is more than 1, it will sink in water.

How is density calculated and how do scientists use it?

Density is mass divided by volume. Can be used to determine if an object will float in a liquid or not.

How do you use the word density in a sentence?

You can find a rock's density in many different ways. That object has a high density and will not float on water.

How can you use the density of an object to predict whether it will float or sink in the water?

the buoyant force acts in the direction opposite to the force of gravity, so it makes the object feel lighter

How can you use density to determine whether an object will float or sink?

If any object has a density higher that 1 it will sink because water has a density of exactly 1. If the density is less than 1 it will float. Here is the formula for density...D=m/v or density equals mass over volume.