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If you want to be as accurate as possible you will need to start with the temperature of the air. Once you know the temperature of the air you plug it in to this formula: V = 331 √1 + (T/273) V is the velocity of sound in air at temperature T in degrees Celsius. Now that you know how fast sound will travel through the air at the current temperature, measure the time it takes for the sound to be transmitted and the echo received. Take that number and plug it in to this formula: V = m/s or Velocity = meters/seconds From that we get: Distance = Velocity/time Divide the distance in half and you have your distance from the object which the echo bounced off of.

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Q: How can you use echo to find out the speed of sound?
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Speed of sound application?

SONAR is an application based on the speed of sound. Sound waves are emitted, they bounce off object and some are captured by a receiver. The time taken between emitting the sound and receiving it, multiplied by the speed of sound in that medium, gives the distance that the sound has travelled. The distance to the object can therefore be calculated. If two or three receivers are used then the location of the object can be identified in a 2-dimensional plane or 3-d space. Some species of bats, whales, dolphins are examples of animals that use echo-location.

A bounced sound wave is called?

A bounced sound wave is acalled an echo. You can hear these echos when you yell into a cave or a crevasse or an abyss.

Why is it not possible to use sonar to determine the speed of an object travelling faster than the speed of sound?

Sonar is sound waves bounced off a object so if you are going the speed of sound the waves cannot bounce off the object and determine the speed of the object

How can you measure the speed of sound?

There are two relatively simple methods for measuring the speed of sound, both of which involve timing echoes:You need a stopwatch, two lumps of wood and a long tape measure. Stand a measured distance from a large wall and bang two lumps of wood together. As soon as you hear the echo, hit the wood again. Practice getting into a rhythm where the echo arrives at the exact moment you make the next noise. When you achieve this, get a friend to measure the time between 11 "bangs" (that is, the length of ten gaps between bangs). Multiply the distance between you and the wall by 20 (the sound went there and back 20 times in the timed interval), then divide that answer by the time it took to make the 11 bangs.The second method requires a microphone, a closed tube and an oscilloscope, but effectively does the same thing - the distance between peaks on the oscilloscope shows the time it takes for a sound to travel down the tube, echo off the closed end and return.Both methods can be found in more detail at -

What is considered nature's radar?

Nature's radar is echo location. Dolphins and whales use it to communicate underwater and bats use it to find the location of their prey.

Related questions

What are the uses of echo?

no use, just sound bouncing of barriers

Which animal uses echo location?

Bats use echo location, they track down sounds of prey by their sound waves.

What kind of math do sound technician use?

They can use formulas that are based on how sound grows weaker over the distance it travels and how the sound will echo off of walls.

Use information sources to find out which aeroplane travels faster than speed of sound?


What do bats use to navigate in the dark?

Echo location via high frequency sound

What are the importance of echo?

· An echo is a reflection of sound waves when they hit upon any obstacle in their path. · This property of sound is employed by many animals,birds,insects and of course,humans.Bats are the most famous ones to use echo for catching food. · The property echo is extensively used by submarines and undersea explorations.

What is the singular possessive form of the word echo?

It would be very unusual to use "echo" (meaning the reflection of a sound) in a possessive manner in normal conversation. I suppose you could say:- The echo's sound was muted (=singular possessive) or The echos' sounds were muted (=plural possessive)

The use of sound waves by some bats to navigate and find food is called what?

Bats send out sound waves which bounce off of solid and liquid materials. They then locate the where the sound wave came from and can determine where the object is and what the object is. This form of navigation is called echolocation.

How do dolphins use echo?

they will send out the sound and once it hits the fish, the sound waves bounce back to the dolphin forming a picture for them.

How do you get that early reflection echo sound on vocals using pro tools?

You use reverb or delay

How do whales and other sea mammals communicate underwater?

they use underwater echo sound location!

How are bats dolphins and submarines similar?

All use sound navigation / echo-ranging for navigation.