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First, what will the object be floating on? The principal to your question is: for an object to float, its density must be equal to or less than the density of the liquid on which it is to float. A brick will float on top of Mercury, because mercury is more dense than the brick. A cork will float on water because the cork is less dense than water. The same works for gases. An aluminum baking pan will float on the invisible gas sulfurhexaflouride because SF6 gas is more dense than the baking pan.

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Q: How can you use the density of an object to predict whether it will sink or float?
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Can you use volume alone predict whether an object will sink or float?

No, because you can predict if an object will sink or float mostly on density.

How can one predict whether an object will float or sink in a liquid?

An object will sink if its density is greater than the liquid in which it is placed; it will float if its density is less.

How can knowing an object's density help you predict whether the object will float or sink in a fluid?

If an object has less density than water (or whatever liquid you are considering), it will float. And if it has more density then the liguid you are considering it will sinq

How can density be used to predict whether on object will float you sink in water?

Because that's how life is. If the density is greater than the density of water it will sink. If less, it will float.

How do you use the density of an object to predict whether it will float or sink in the water?

If its density is less than 1 it will float in water. If its density is more than 1, it will sink in water.

How can knowing an objects density help you to predict whether the object will float or sink in a fluid?

If an object has less density than water (or whatever liquid you are considering), it will float. And if it has more density then the liguid you are considering it will sinq

If you the mass and volume of an object how can you predict whether it will float or sink in water?

Calculate the density (mass divided by volume) of your object. If the density is less than that of water - which has a density of about 1000 kg per cubic meter - then it will float; if the density of your object is more, it will sink.

How the buoyant force is related to floating sinking describe how knowing the density of an object helps predict whether the object will sink or float?


Can you use mass alone to predict whether an object will sink or float?

No. An object will sink if its DENSITY is greater than that of the liquid (or gas) in which you place it.

How can you use density of an objectto predict whether it will float or sink?

if the object is more dense the liquid it is in it will sink. if it is less dense than the liquid it is in it will float

How is it possible to predict if an object will sink or float based on density of the object?

If an object is less dense then water, it will float assuming the object does not absorb the water there by increasing its density.

How can you use the density of an object to predict whether it will float or sink in the water?

the buoyant force acts in the direction opposite to the force of gravity, so it makes the object feel lighter