

How can your 17 yr old get emancipated in Idaho?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Idaho does not have an emancipation statute. They are considered a minor until they reach 18.

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Q: How can your 17 yr old get emancipated in Idaho?
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No enlisting in the military at 17 does not make emancipated.

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No, she is emancipated through marriage.

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No he is not emancipated yet. You are obligated to care for him until he is 18.

What if a 17 yr old was emancipated and wanted to move in with hisher boyfriend or girlfriend?

They are emancipated and can live where they wish. They are responsible for their own housing and sustinance.

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No, it has to be in the state you reside.

Can a 17 yr old move out of their parents home if they have a child?

With parental consent. You are not emancipated because you have a child.

Can a 17 yr old be emancipated in north carolina?

They can petition the court for emancipation, but be aware that it's rarely granted.

Can a 17 yr old with a child of her own move out of her parents house in indiana?

With parental consent until you are emancipated at 18.

Can a 17 yr old rent a apartment?

There's no law preventing it, but a 17 year old (unless they are legally emancipated) is too young to sign or be held accountable for a legal contract.

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Can a 17 yr old be emancipated without parent consent?

The parents do not have to consent for emancipation. However, the court will take their desires into consideration. And you have to be in a state that allows emancipation.

Can your 17 yr old move out to live with friends and parents not be responsible for her?

Only if she has been emancipated. Otherwise, you will have to wait until she is an adult, which is 18 in most places.