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Your bodies pressure inside your body can change itself tone equal to outside pressure

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I dont know. hahahaha

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Q: How can your bodies keep from being crushed by air pressure?
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How can body keep from being crushed by air?

By internal pressure matching that of the surrounding air.

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Deep sea divers wear special suits to keep their body from getting too cold. They also wear these suits to keep from being crushed under the pressure.

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The force of gravity is the only force acting to keep bodies in orbit. It is the inertia (which is not a force) of these orbiting bodies that keeps them from actually being pulled together completely. Gravity and inerta act in "balance" to allow orbiting bodies to continue to move the way they do.

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yes they do keep bodies in thhe basement.

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Aha! There is the same amount of pressure inside your body pushing out against the air pressure. This is why astronauts outside of their space lab or Shuttle need a pressure suit - to keep their bodies from exploding (there is no air, therefore no air pressure in space.)

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They support it with chemicals being released and organelles functioning within the cell as well.

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beluga whales keep their bodies moving by eating and sleeping

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It should be locked when ever someone has to do repairs or service in the center area to keep the person from being crushed.

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Ants (and all insects) are cold blooded so they don't keep their bodies warm.