

How can your school cut down on littering essay?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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By discouraging people from copy/pasting their homework assignments into

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Q: How can your school cut down on littering essay?
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littering using to much gas and wasting paper if you use to much paper lumberers cut down more and more trees paper is made out of trees then we wont have any more trees which means we have no oxygen

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to help cut off what you are talking about in your essay. the conclusion should tie-up your whole argument which you talked about when writing the essay.

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If you cut down about 10 the volume goes down 5 if you cut 9 its 4 if you cut 8 its 3 if you cut 7 its 2 if you cut 6 its 1 But if you cut 5 or LESS No volume goes down!

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