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I want to know about which technices your are apling on hiv patents

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Q: How casework can be applied in helping people with HIV?
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Is true true that there are a particular group of people in Kenya who cannot get the HIV or AIDS virus.?

Yes it is true. Because there are two types of HIV. HIV 1 and HIV 2. HIV 1 and HIV 2 can never affect this people because they have different jeans. They may have the virus in them but it will never harm them but will harm you as HIV and aids terms are applied..

Can HIV be cured with herbals?

No, HIV (which you probably mean, HIV +) can not be cured with herbals. You know why? Because there is NO cure yet for HIV+, even with medicine. BUt being HIV+ does not mean you will get AIDS. There are very good medicines today that will help people who are HIV+ live long, healthy lives. Herbals are a good, big part of helping someone with HIV+ live a long and healthy life, but they can not make the HIV+ go away.

What do people think about HIV AIDS?

What do you think about people who have HIV

How many people have HIV/AIDS in the us?

17,000,000,000 people have HIV in the us.

How many people die from HIV in a year in Niger?

about million of people are die from hiv

How can recombinant DNA technology be used to combat HIV infections?

How can recombinant DNA technology be used to combat HIV infections?

Do people with HIV never get aids?

HIV is an infection that LEADS to AIDS. So, most likely, people with HIV are very likely to get AIDS.

What to see how prophet heal HIV people?

HIV is not curable.

Who is infected by HIV in Brazil?

those people who got hiv

Can people who is not hIV positive can stay with hIV positive?

Yes they can.

Who is considered to be one of the most brilliant minds today and is helping piece together the puzzle for HIV?


Why do people have HIV and AIDS?

People have HIV because they caught a virus. People have AIDS because their HIV infection came to the point they could not fight off other infections.