

How cloth is statically charge?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: How cloth is statically charge?
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Are materials that can be statically charged conductors or insulators?

Either one can acquire a static charge.

What happens when an isolated conductor is statically charged?

The charge is evenly spread inside and outside

What is the meaning of statically charged?

To be statically charged means that an object has more of one type of particles than another. For example, if an object with more electrons than protons is negatively charged so we say that the object has built up a static charge.

What is the charge when rubbing styrofoam with cloth?

A static charge of electricity will be the result.

Will rubbing a silk cloth on glass cause electrons to move to the cloth?

Yes, rubbing a silk cloth on glass cause electrons to move to the cloth. As a result, glass rod acquires positive charge and silk acquires negative charge.

How can you tell when an object has been statically charged?

I you touch it, and it shocks you, then it was statically charged.

What kind of charge is produced in silk cloth when it is rubbed against a glass rod?

Positive charge

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Static charge

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Balloons fall off the wall after being charged because they soon run out of the charge they had through the air and the wall...

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Because electrons will be transferred from the cloth to the insulating rod. But the charge will be negative.

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What happened when thale rubbed the amber with silk cloth?

when amber is rubbed with silk cloth +ve charge comes on silk cloth and -ve on amber due to interaction between their molecules, so is that when we comb our hairs , then -ve charge comes on comb and +ve on hairs,so when we bring silk cloth near the comb they attract each other due to 'ving opposite charges