

Best Answer

coffee contains cafeine and it makes the user makes u feel awake but.. it stimulates the central nervuos system... :)

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Q: How coffee affect the health of a person?
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Is coffee bad fo you?

No, its not bad for you, but it you afford to drink it everyday, then yes, it can affect your health.

Can your emotions affect your physical health?

Yes emotions can affect physical health in many cases. They affect brain, which affects the physical health of person.

What are the factors that affect health in an aged person?

Obesity and diet

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Character can have a big affect on a person's health. Specifically, having a positive attitude and radiating love and kindness can help a person be happier, less stressed, and feel better.

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The gun itself has no effect on a person's mental health.

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Should a coffee gift basket always include decaff?

No. If a person does not want caffeine in their coffee, you should know that ahead of time. A coffee drinker usually does not drink decaff, except for health reasons.

How can emotions affect your physical health?

Emotions can affect our physical health. A emotionally strong person would be healthy while weak one would not be healthy.

Are there any major health concerns about the consumption of coffee?

There are no major health concerns with coffee at all.

How does acid rain affect the human health?

Acid rain can damage skin of a person.

How does urbanization affect your health?

What is an urbanisation? Im the same person who anwered "how can you get 1000000 dollars!

How can gender affect a person's health?

Gender is a condition in which identify oneself either male or female Factors how gender affect Health: 1. Dependency 2. Paternalism 3.Lack of confidency